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function feedback_mail_form_submit in Feedback 5

Process the site-wide form submission.


./feedback.module, line 417
Enables a site-wide feedback page.


function feedback_mail_form_submit($form_id, &$edit) {

  // Prepare the sender:
  $from = feedback_plain_text($edit['mail']);
  $page = $edit['page'];

  // Compose the body:
  if ($page->field_category) {
    $message[] = t('Category') . ': ' . check_plain($edit['category']);
  if ($page->field_body) {
    $message[] = feedback_plain_text($edit['body']);
  $message[] = t('Sent from @form by @name.', array(
    '@name' => $edit['emailname'],
    '@form' => url($_GET['q'], NULL, NULL, TRUE),
  $message[] = _feedback_user_info($edit, $page);

  // Tidy up the body:
  foreach ($message as $key => $value) {
    $message[$key] = wordwrap($value);

  // Prepare the body:
  $body = implode("\n\n", $message);
  $category = $page->field_category ? ' [' . $edit['category'] . '] ' : ' ';
  $subject = $page->subject_prefix . $category . $edit['subject'];

  // Send the e-mail to the recipients:
  drupal_mail('feedback', $page->email, $subject, $body, $from);

  // Log the operation:
  flood_register_event('feedback' . $page->name);
  if ($page->logging) {
    watchdog('mail', t('@name-from sent a feedback e-mail', array(
      '@name-from' => $edit['emailname'] . " <{$from}>",

  // Update user:
  drupal_set_message(t('Your message has been sent.'));

  // Jump to home page rather than back to feedback page to avoid contradictory messages if flood control has been activated.