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Files in Feedback 5

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File namesort descending Location Namespace Description
CHANGELOG.txt CHANGELOG.txt Feedback 5.x-1.1, 2008-08-08 ---------------------------- #130095 by sun: Added uninstaller for discontinued 5.x-1.x. #131033 by incrn8: Fixed Feedback menu item not displayed in admin/build/menu. #181629 by yarikmsu: Fixed log contains variable name… name = Feedback description = Provides one or more site-wide feedback pages.
feedback.install feedback.install
feedback.module feedback.module Enables a site-wide feedback page.
INSTALL.txt INSTALL.txt Description: ------------ This module allows visitors to your web site to send you email from web forms. Your email is never revealed, so there is no fear of SPAM and such. Requirements: ------------- This module requires drupal…
README.txt README.txt Description: ------------ This is a simple feedback module, allowing visitors to your web site to send you email from web forms. Features: --------- * Multiple feedback pages are configureable. Each page has its own settings, so e.g. you can…
TODO.txt TODO.txt

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