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14 calls to features_get_components() in Features 6

drush_features_add in ./
Add a component to a features module.
drush_features_export in ./
Create a feature module based on a list of components.
features_export_build_form_populate in ./
AHAH handler for features_export_form_build().
features_export_build_form_submit in ./
Submit handler for features_export_form_build().
features_export_form in ./
Form callback for features export form. Acts as a router based on the form_state.
features_export_render in ./
Render feature export into an array representing its files.
features_get_component_states in ./
Retrieve an array of features/components and their current states.
features_get_conflicts in ./features.module
Detect potential conflicts between any features that provide identical components.
features_get_default in ./
Get defaults for a given module/component pair.
features_include_defaults in ./features.module
Load features includes for all components that require includes before collecting defaults.
features_update_6101 in ./features.install
Update 6101: Set codestate signature for all features.
template_preprocess_features_admin_components in theme/
Display feature component info
theme_features_components in theme/
Theme a set of features export components.
_drush_features_component_list in ./
List all possible features components.