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function fe_paths_config_save in File Entity Paths 7.2

Save a File Entity Paths config entity.


$config: The configuration object or array

Return value

mixed The saved entity or FALSE, if something is wrong.

4 calls to fe_paths_config_save()
fe_paths_config_table_form_submit in ./
Form submit function for File Entity Paths table form.
fe_paths_entity_edit_form_submit in ./
Form submit function for File Entity Paths configuration add/edit form.
fe_paths_update_7002 in ./fe_paths.install
Implements hook_update_7002();
FileEntityPathsHelper::addToConfig in tests/fe_paths.test
Save the config and add to the class configs array.


./fe_paths.module, line 562
Contains functions for the File Entity Paths module.


function fe_paths_config_save($config) {
  if (is_array($config)) {
    $config = (object) $config;
  return entity_save('fe_paths_config', $config);