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fe_paths.test in File Entity Paths 7.2

Tests for File Entity Paths


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 * @file
 *  Tests for File Entity Paths
class FileEntityPathsHelper extends DrupalWebTestCase {

  // An array of files to be processed.
  protected $files = array();

  // Array of different File Entity Paths configurations for testing different
  // cases
  protected $configs = array();

  // 10 random and some default file path pattern. It should be used in
  // configuration.
  protected $filePathPatterns = array();

  // 10 random and some default file name pattern. It should be used in
  // configuration.
  protected $fileNamePatterns = array();
  function setUp() {
    $web_user = $this
      'create fe_paths_test_1 content',
      'create fe_paths_test_2 content',
      'administer files',
      'administer users',
  function setUpFiles() {
    $types = array(
    foreach ($types as $type) {
      foreach ($this
        ->drupalGetTestFiles($type) as $file) {
        $this->files[$type][] = $file;
  protected function setDefaultVariables($file_types = array(), $postfix = '') {
    foreach ($file_types as $type) {
      $config = array();
      foreach (fe_paths_get_allowed_schemes() as $scheme) {
        $config[$scheme] = array(
          'path' => $type . $postfix,
          'filename' => $type . $postfix . '.fep.test',
      variable_set("fep_{$type}", $config);

   * Create 10 random filename with random extension. + Add the original
   * pattern.
  protected function setFileNamePatterns() {
    while (!isset($this->fileNamePatterns[9])) {
      $this->fileNamePatterns[] = $this
        ->randomName(8) . '.' . $this
    $this->fileNamePatterns['original'] = '[file:name-only-original].[file:extension-original]';

   * Create 10 random filepath pattern. Also add a fix sample to image and text.
  protected function setFilePathPatterns() {
    while (!isset($this->filePathPatterns[9])) {
      $this->filePathPatterns[] = $this
    $this->filePathPatterns['image'] = 'images';
    $this->filePathPatterns['text'] = 'text';

   * Create random configuration object based on file_path and file_name.
   * @param $file_path
   * @param $file_name
   * @return object
  protected function generateRandomConfig($file_path, $file_name, $weight = 0) {
    return (object) array(
      'machine_name' => strtolower($this
      'label' => $this
      'path' => $file_path,
      'filename' => $file_name,
      'status' => TRUE,
      'weight' => $weight,
      // @todo: figure out better data handling.
      'data' => array(
        'transliteration' => 0,
        'pathauto' => 0,
        'file_entity' => array(
          'application' => 0,
          'audio' => 0,
          'image' => 'image',
          'video' => 0,
          'default' => 0,
          'text' => 'text',
        'entity' => 'node',
        'bundle' => array(
          'fe_paths_test_1' => array(),
          'fe_paths_test_2' => array(),
      'other_config' => 0,
      'override_options' => 0,

   * Save the config and add to the class configs array.
   * @param $config
  protected function addToConfig($config) {
    if (fe_paths_config_save($config)) {
      $this->configs[] = $config;


 * Configuration page tests.
class FileEntityPathsConfigurationPageTestCase extends FileEntityPathsHelper {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'File Entity Paths configuration',
      'description' => 'Test file entity configuration and settings pages.',
      'group' => 'File Entity Paths',
      'dependencies' => array(
  function setUp() {
      ->generateRandomConfig($this->filePathPatterns[0], $this->fileNamePatterns[0], 0));
      ->generateRandomConfig($this->filePathPatterns[1], $this->fileNamePatterns[1], 1));
      ->generateRandomConfig($this->filePathPatterns[2], $this->fileNamePatterns[2], 2));
  function testConfigPage() {
    $configs = fe_paths_config_load_multiple();

    // Working on id 1 configuration
    $config = $configs[1];
    $configs_in_page = $this
      ->assertTrue(count($configs_in_page) == 3, 'All 3 generated configuration found on settings page.');
    if (!empty($configs)) {
      $row_index = 1;
      $label = $this

      //td[2] is the draggable item!!
      $machine_name = $this
      $status = $this
      $path = $this
      $filename = $this
        ->assertTrue($label[0] == $config->label, t('Label is the same in the table as in the configuration. Result: @result, Expected: @expected', array(
        '@result' => $label[0],
        '@expected' => $config->label,
        ->assertTrue($machine_name[0] == $config->machine_name, t('Machine name is the same in the table as in the configuration. Result: @result, Expected: @expected', array(
        '@result' => $machine_name[0],
        '@expected' => $config->machine_name,
      $status_text = $config->status ? t('Enabled') : t('Disabled');
        ->assertTrue($status[0] == $status_text, t('Status is the same in the table as in the configuration. Result: @result, Expected: @expected', array(
        '@result' => $status[0],
        '@expected' => $status_text,

        ->assertTrue($path[0] == $config->path, t('Path is the same in the table as in the configuration. Result: @result, Expected: @expected', array(
        '@result' => $path[0],
        '@expected' => $config->path,
        ->assertTrue($filename[0] == $config->filename, t('Filename is the same in the table as in the configuration. Result: @result, Expected: @expected', array(
        '@result' => $filename[0],
        '@expected' => $config->filename,

      // @todo: figure out $config->data checking.
      // Let's go to the edit page
        ->assertFieldById('edit-label', $config->label);
        ->assertFieldById('edit-machine-name', $config->machine_name);
        ->assertFieldById('edit-path', $config->path);
        ->assertFieldById('edit-filename', $config->filename);
      foreach ($config->data['file_entity'] as $bundle => $value) {
        if ($bundle !== 'default') {
          if ($bundle === $value) {
              ->assertFieldChecked('edit-data-file-entity-' . str_replace('_', '-', $bundle));
          else {
              ->assertNoFieldChecked('edit-data-file-entity-' . str_replace('_', '-', $bundle));

class FileEntityPathsGlobalSettingsTestCase extends FileEntityPathsHelper {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'File Entity Paths global settings',
      'description' => 'Test global settings.',
      'group' => 'File Entity Paths',
      'dependencies' => array(
  function testGlobalConfigBasic() {
    $image_config = variable_get('fep_image');
      ->assertTrue($image_config['public']['path'] == 'image', 'fep_image variable set up successful. Value: ' . $image_config['public']['path']);

    // Create a file.
    $edit = array();
    $edit["files[upload]"] = drupal_realpath($this->files['image'][0]->uri);
      ->drupalPost('file/add', $edit, t('Submit'));
    $max_fid_after = db_query('SELECT MAX(fid) AS fid FROM {file_managed}')
    $file = file_load($max_fid_after);
    $expected_uri = 'public://' . $image_config['public']['path'] . '/' . $image_config['public']['filename'];
      ->assertTrue($file->filename != $file->origname, 'The original filename different, than the saved. The file process works when added new file in file/add path. Issue: #1791270');
      ->assertTrue($file->uri = $expected_uri, format_string('The original filename was changed successful from @original by the pattern: @path/@filename to @uri', array(
      '@original' => $file->origname,
      '@path' => $image_config['public']['path'],
      '@filename' => $image_config['public']['filename'],
      '@uri' => $file->uri,

class FileEntityPathsSpecialUsageTestCase extends FileEntityPathsHelper {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'File Entity Paths usage tests',
      'description' => 'Other test cases, usually based on issue queue.',
      'group' => 'File Entity Paths',
      'dependencies' => array(
  protected function testFileEntityPathsUserAdd() {
    $edit = array(
      'name' => $this
      'mail' => $this
        ->randomName() . '',
      'pass[pass1]' => $pass = $this
      'pass[pass2]' => $pass,
      'notify' => FALSE,
      ->drupalPost('admin/people/create', $edit, t('Create new account'));
      ->assertText($edit['name'], 'User found in list of users. Issue: <a href="">Fatal error when user entity is saving.</a>');
