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function theme_fb_autopost_facebook_page in Facebook Autopost 7

Theme implementation for the fb_autopost_facebook_profile render element.

1 theme call to theme_fb_autopost_facebook_page()
_fb_autopost_get_page_options in ./
Helper function to get all the available pages.


./, line 78
Theme implementation file for Facebook Autopost


function theme_fb_autopost_facebook_page($variables) {
  drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'fb_autopost') . '/fb_autopost.css');
  return theme('image', array(
    'path' => "" . $variables['id'] . "/picture?type=square",
    'title' => t('Facebook picture'),
    'alt' => t('Facebook picture'),
    'width' => 30,
    'height' => 30,
  )) . ' ' . $variables['name'] . ' - ' . $variables['category'] . ' (Id: ' . $variables['id'] . ')';