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Classes, traits, and interfaces in Facebook Autopost 7

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Namesort descending Type Namespace Location Description Direct uses Use statements Strings
FacebookPublicationEntity class fb_autopost_entity/fb_autopost_entity.module The class used for Facebook publication entities.
FacebookPublicationMetadataController class fb_autopost_entity/ Extend the defaults.
FacebookPublicationTypeEntity class fb_autopost_entity/fb_autopost_entity.module Use a separate class for Facebook publication types so we can specify some defaults modules may alter.
FacebookPublicationTypeUIController class fb_autopost_entity/ UI controller.
FBAutopost class class/FBAutopost.php API class to handle common actions when autoposting This class uses FBAutopostException for error handling. Severity is passed resusing watchdog severity (See: 4
FBAutopostEntity class fb_autopost_entity/class/FBAutopostEntity.php Handles publishing using a Facebook publication entity. 3
FBAutopostEntityEvent class fb_autopost_entity/class/FBAutopostEntityEvent.php Special case for FacebookPublicationType Event
FBAutopostEntityPhoto class fb_autopost_entity/class/FBAutopostEntityPhoto.php Special case for FacebookPublicationType Photo
FBAutopostEntityPost class fb_autopost_entity/class/FBAutopostEntityPost.php Special case for FacebookPublicationType Post
FBAutopostEvent class class/FBAutopostEvent.php Special case for publication type Event
FBAutopostException class class/FBAutopostException.php Type naming the ErrorException class
FBAutopostPhoto class class/FBAutopostPhoto.php Special case for publication type Photo
FBAutopostPost class class/FBAutopostPost.php Special case for publication type Post
FBSession class class/FBSession.php Class implementation

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