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function hook_fb_autopost_publication_publish in Facebook Autopost 7

Implements hook_fb_autopost_publication_publish().


array $publication: The publication that was just published.

array $result: The result that was returned from Facebook.

1 function implements hook_fb_autopost_publication_publish()

Note: this list is generated by pattern matching, so it may include some functions that are not actually implementations of this hook.

fb_autopost_entity_fb_autopost_publication_publish in fb_autopost_entity/fb_autopost_entity.module
Implements hook_fb_autopost_publication_publish().
1 invocation of hook_fb_autopost_publication_publish()
FBAutopost::publishOn in class/FBAutopost.php
Publishes on a single destination.


./fb_autopost.api.php, line 16
Hook API examples for the Facebook Autopost module.


function hook_fb_autopost_publication_publish($publication, $result) {
  if (!empty($publication) && isset($publication['type']) && isset($publication['params'])) {
    drupal_set_message(t('The following %type has been posted to Facebook: !params', array(
      '%type' => $publication['type'],
      '!params' => '<pre>' . print_r($publication['params'], TRUE) . '</pre>',