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Functions in Drupal for Facebook 7.4

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
fb_update_7400 ./fb.install Install modules/fb 4.x schema.
fb_update_7401 ./fb.install Upgrade applications from modules/fb 3.x to 4.x.
fb_update_7402 ./fb.install Facebook application namespace is optional. Allow null in fb_application.namespace database schema.
fb_update_7403 ./fb.install Set a default value for modules/fb using native JSON bigint decoding.
fb_url_inbound_alter ./fb.module Implements hook_url_inbound_alter().
fb_url_outbound_alter ./fb.module Implements hook_url_outbound_alter(). 1 1
fb_username_alter ./fb.module hook_username_alter().
fb_user_admin_settings ./ Form builder; Configure settings for this site. 1
fb_user_fb ./fb_user.module Implements hook_fb().
fb_user_form_user_register_form_alter ./fb_user.module Implements hook_form_alter().
fb_user_menu ./fb_user.module Implements hook_menu().
fb_user_permission ./fb_user.module Implements hook_permission().
fb_user_preprocess_user_picture ./fb_user.module Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK().
fb_user_schema ./fb_user.install Implements hook_schema().
fb_user_token ./fb.module The user-specific token allows individual users to post to their own feeds. 14 1
fb_user_token_url ./fb.module To configure this module, we need to send the user to the Fb app, in order to authorize it. The page we send them to explains the various permission options, then presents facebook's dialog for authorizing the permissions.
fb_user_user_delete ./fb_user.module Implements hook_user_delete.
fb_user_user_load ./fb_user.module
fb_user_user_login ./fb_user.module Implements hook_user_login().
fb_verbose ./fb.module For debugging, add $conf['fb_verbose'] = TRUE; to settings.php. 4
theme_fb_login_button ./
theme_fb_markup ./
_fb_admin_parse_textfield ./ This unlikely helper function speeds copy and paste from facebook. Allows user to put both id and secret in one textfield. 3
_fb_connect_block_login_defaults ./fb_connect.module Default markup for our login block. 2
_fb_handle_tokenXXX ./fb.module Helper function to do the right things when a new token is learned.
_fb_js_settings ./fb.module Build the settings expected by fb.js. 1
_fb_oauth_state ./fb.module 2
_fb_post_node_settings_form ./fb_post.module Helper for the node submission form and the node type form. 3
_fb_user_button_text ./fb_user.module Helper function to retrieve button text.
_fb_user_create_local_account ./fb_user.module 1
_fb_user_process_new_token ./fb_user.module 2
_fb_user_set_current_user ./fb_user.module 1
_fb_user_set_map ./fb_user.module Helper function to add or update a row in the fb_user table, which maps local uid to facebook ids. 2


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