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Functions in Drupal for Facebook 7.4

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
fb_canvas_menu_get_item_alter ./fb_canvas.module
fb_canvas_page_alter ./fb_canvas.module Implements hook_page_alter().
fb_canvas_post_render_page ./fb_canvas.module 1
fb_canvas_process_page ./fb_canvas.module 1
fb_canvas_theme_registry_alter ./fb_canvas.module
fb_canvas_url_outbound_alter ./fb_canvas.module
fb_client_auth_url ./fb.module Produce a client side auth URL as described in 7
fb_connect_admin_form ./ Form callback. 1
fb_connect_block_configure ./fb_connect.module Implements hook_block_configure().
fb_connect_block_info ./fb_connect.module Implements hook_block_info().
fb_connect_block_save ./fb_connect.module Implements hook_block_save().
fb_connect_block_view ./fb_connect.module
fb_connect_menu ./fb_connect.module Implements hook_menu().
fb_connect_translated_menu_link_alter ./fb_connect.module Implements hook_translated_menu_link_alter().
fb_debug_token ./fb.module
fb_devel_cb_help ./fb_devel.module Drupal menu callback. 1
fb_devel_fb ./fb_devel.module Implements hook_fb().
fb_devel_menu ./fb_devel.module
fb_devel_page ./fb_devel.module Provides a page with useful debug info. 1
fb_devel_page_app ./fb_devel.module 1
fb_devel_page_test ./fb_devel.module 1
fb_devel_translated_menu_link_alter ./fb_devel.module
fb_element_info ./fb.module Implements hook_element_info().
fb_element_validate_friend ./fb.module
fb_enable ./fb.install Implements hook_enable(). 1
fb_facebook_user ./fb_devel.module These are functions from fb-3.x that no longer exist in fb-4.x. Rather than let php fatal error, we define them here to warn that third-party modules are not upgraded.
fb_flush_caches ./fb.module Implements hook_flush_caches().
fb_fql ./fb.module
fb_friend_select_process ./fb.module 1
fb_get_admin_token ./fb.module This returns a site-wide token. If a specific variable is requested, but not set, the default token will be returned. 7
fb_get_app ./fb.module Gets details about a previously configured Facebook application. 23
fb_get_link ./fb.module Helper function determines facebook URL for data returned from fb_graph(). Sometimes graph data includes 'link' and sometimes not. If not, the ID is usually enough to find the object. Note however that whether the link succeeds may depend… 2
fb_get_name ./fb.module Helper function determines a name from data returned from fb_graph(). Almost always, graph data includes a 'name'. But in rare cases that is not present and we use an id instead. 7
fb_graph ./fb.module Read from facebook's graph. 22
fb_graph_batch ./fb.module Read from facebook's graph in batch mode. Allows a single request to facebook to return data from multiple graph nodes. 11
fb_graph_delete ./fb.module Delete from facebook's graph.
fb_graph_post ./fb.module Write to facebook's graph. 3
fb_http ./fb.module Wrapper around drupal_http_request() which detects error codes. 4
fb_http_parse_response ./fb.module Helper to parse data return from fb graph API. 2
fb_init ./fb.module
fb_install ./fb.install
fb_invite_access_cb contrib/fb_invite.module Menu access callback makes it possible to hide menu items when no local application is configured. 1
fb_invite_element_info contrib/fb_invite.module Expose the Facebook Invite markup as a drupal_render element. This makes it easy to add facebook invite feature to any page or form.
fb_invite_element_process contrib/fb_invite.module Process callback for drupal_render element. 1
fb_invite_invite_form contrib/fb_invite.module This default fb_invite form is simple, because the complexity is in the fb_invite element type. 1
fb_invite_menu contrib/fb_invite.module Implements hook_menu().
fb_invite_request_detail contrib/fb_invite.module
fb_invoke ./fb.module Invoke third-party hooks. 7
fb_is_ajax ./fb.module 1
fb_json_decode ./fb.module Wrapper because PHP versions differ. 3


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