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Functions in Drupal for Facebook 6.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
fb_log_exception ./fb.module 11
fb_menu ./fb.module Implementation of hook_menu().
fb_perm ./fb.module Implementation of hook_perm().
fb_permission_access_own contrib/fb_permission.module Helper function for menu item access check. 1
fb_permission_fb contrib/fb_permission.module Implementation of hook_fb(). Here we customize the behavior of Drupal for Facebook.
fb_permission_form_alter contrib/fb_permission.module
fb_permission_form_fbml contrib/fb_permission.module for canvas pages and connect pages. 1
fb_permission_form_html contrib/fb_permission.module
fb_permission_map contrib/fb_permission.module 2
fb_permission_perm contrib/fb_permission.module @file Code pertaining to Facebook's extended permissions. see
fb_permission_user contrib/fb_permission.module Implementation of hook_user.
fb_register_all_users contrib/fb_register.module This callback will register a chunk of users, then redirect to itself to register another chunk. And so on, to quickly register all users of a site, rather than waiting for cron jobs to take care of it all. 1
fb_register_cron contrib/fb_register.module Implementation of hook_cron().
fb_register_detail_page contrib/fb_register.module 1
fb_register_email_hash contrib/fb_register.module Compute email hash as specified in 2
fb_register_fb contrib/fb_register.module Implementation of hook_fb(). Here we customize the behavior of Drupal for Facebook.
fb_register_form_alter contrib/fb_register.module Implementation of hook_form_alter().
fb_register_install contrib/fb_register.install @file Install file to support fb_register.module.
fb_register_menu contrib/fb_register.module Implementation of hook_menu().
fb_register_now_form contrib/fb_register.module 1
fb_register_now_form_submit contrib/fb_register.module
fb_register_schema contrib/fb_register.install
fb_register_uninstall contrib/fb_register.install
fb_register_update_6000 contrib/fb_register.install
fb_register_user contrib/fb_register.module Implementation of hook_user().
fb_report_errors ./fb.module Convenience method for displaying facebook api errors. 3
fb_requirements ./fb.install Implementation of hook_requirements().
fb_scrub_urls ./fb.module This method will clean up URLs. When serving canvas pages, extra information is included in URLs (see This will remove the extra information. 2
fb_session_exit ./ In canvas pages, cookies do not work. To enforce sessions, we "spoof" a cookie (see fb_settings_session_helper()). Sometimes drupal changes the session id on us, we need to change it back, because the canvas page will never honor the new… 1 1
fb_session_key_form ./fb.module
fb_settings ./ Helper function to remember values as we learn them. 9 5
fb_settings_session_helper ./ Forces the session_name and session_id to be appropriate when Facebook controls the session. Call this function from custom session_inc files, before session_start() is called. 1 1
fb_stream_fb ./fb_stream.module Implementation of hook_fb().
fb_stream_get_stream_dialog_data ./fb_stream.module Get the data for one or more stream dialogs. Use this function in ajax callbacks, where you want to publish dialog(s) in response to javascript events. 1
fb_stream_js ./fb_stream.module Convert our data structure in javascript. 1
fb_stream_publish_dialog ./fb_stream.module Publish to a user's stream, or update their status.
fb_uninstall ./fb.install
fb_update_6000 ./fb.install
fb_update_6001 ./fb.install
fb_update_6002 ./fb.install
fb_url_inbound_alter ./ Implementation of hook_url_inbound_alter(). 1 2
fb_url_outbound_alter ./ Implementation of hook_url_outbound_alter(). 2 1
fb_username_alter ./fb.module hook_username_alter().
fb_users_getInfo ./fb.module Helper function for facebook's users_getInfo API. 7
fb_user_access_own ./fb_user.module Helper function for menu item access check. 1
fb_user_admin_settings ./ Form builder; Configure settings for this site. 1
fb_user_create_local_user ./fb_user.module Creates a local Drupal account for the specified facebook user id. 1
fb_user_fb ./fb_user.module Implementation of hook_fb.
fb_user_form_alter ./fb_user.module
fb_user_get_local_friends ./fb_user.module Returns local uids of friends of a given user. 1


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