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function fb_session_exit in Drupal for Facebook 6.2

In canvas pages, cookies do not work. To enforce sessions, we "spoof" a cookie (see fb_settings_session_helper()). Sometimes drupal changes the session id on us, we need to change it back, because the canvas page will never honor the new value.

This function is called from fb_exit();

1 call to fb_session_exit()
fb_exit in ./fb.module
Implements hook_exit().
1 string reference to 'fb_session_exit'
fb_exit in ./fb.module
Implements hook_exit().


./, line 25
This file is a replacement for Drupal's Although not truly a replacement, as we include the default to do the heavy lifting. In this file we set up some variables and functions to handle facebook-controlled sessions.


function fb_session_exit() {
  if ($id = fb_settings('fb_session_id_force')) {
    if ($id != session_id()) {

      // In case we are called after sess_write.

      //db_query("UPDATE {sessions} SET sid='%s' WHERE sid='%s'",

      //        array($id, session_id()));
      // We are called before sess_write.