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function farm_theme_calendar_css in farmOS 7

Helper function for adding calendar CSS.


string $period: The calendar period being displayed (year, month, week, or day).

3 calls to farm_theme_calendar_css()
farm_theme_preprocess_calendar_day_overlap in themes/farm_theme/template.php
Implements hook_preprocess_calendar_day().
farm_theme_preprocess_calendar_month in themes/farm_theme/template.php
Implements hook_preprocess_calendar_month().
farm_theme_preprocess_calendar_week_overlap in themes/farm_theme/template.php
Implements hook_preprocess_calendar_week().


themes/farm_theme/template.php, line 676
Farm theme template.php.


function farm_theme_calendar_css($period) {

  // Add general CSS styles.
  drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('theme', 'farm_theme') . '/css/calendar.css');

  // Define the log type colors.
  $log_type_colors = array(
    'farm_activity' => '#f7e6d2',
    'farm_harvest' => '#daeace',
    'farm_input' => '#ebdaec',
    'farm_observation' => '#ccebf5',

  // Use the color information to build CSS rules.
  $css = '';
  foreach ($log_type_colors as $log_type => $color) {

    // Convert the log type to a valid CSS class.
    $log_type_class = drupal_html_class($log_type);

    // Build the item selector based on the period.
    switch ($period) {
      case 'month':
        $calendar_item_selector = '.calendar-calendar .month-view .full td.single-day .' . $log_type_class . ' div.monthview, .calendar-calendar .week-view .full td.single-day .' . $log_type_class . ' div.weekview, .calendar-calendar .day-view .full td.single-day .' . $log_type_class . ' div.dayview';
      case 'week':
      case 'day':
        $calendar_item_selector = '.calendar-calendar .week-view .full div.single-day .' . $log_type_class . ' div.weekview, .calendar-calendar .day-view .full div.single-day .' . $log_type_class . ' div.dayview';
        $calendar_item_selector = '';

    // If a selector was found, add the CSS.
    if (!empty($calendar_item_selector)) {
      $css .= $calendar_item_selector . '{background: ' . $color . ';} ';

  // If we have CSS to add, add it.
  if (!empty($css)) {
    drupal_add_css($css, array(
      'type' => 'inline',