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function farm_ui_area_links in farmOS 7

Generate area links for farm_asset or log entity types.


int $id: The area id.

string $entity_type: The entity type to general links for. Currently only 'farm_asset' and 'log' are supported.

Return value

array Returns an array of links.

1 call to farm_ui_area_links()
farm_ui_farm_area_details in modules/farm/farm_ui/
Implements hook_farm_area_details().


modules/farm/farm_ui/, line 65


function farm_ui_area_links($id, $entity_type) {

  // Start an empty array of links.
  $links = array();

  // Load entity UI info.
  $ui_info = farm_ui_entities();

  // Generate links for the entity type.
  if (!empty($ui_info[$entity_type])) {
    foreach ($ui_info[$entity_type] as $bundle => $info) {

      // If a View is not available, skip it.
      if (empty($info['view'])) {

      // If the entity is a log, and it doesn't apply to areas, skip it.
      if ($entity_type == 'log' && (empty($info['areas']) || $info['areas'] !== TRUE)) {

      // Determine the position of the area ID argument in the View, and build
      // the arguments array accordingly. If the area ID is in the second
      // argument position, then we assume that asset ID is the first argument,
      // and we set that to 'all' to include all assets.
      $args = array(
      $area_argument_position = farm_ui_views_area_argument_position($entity_type, $bundle);
      if ($area_argument_position == 2) {
        array_unshift($args, 'all');

      // Load the View and generate a preview to count rows.
      $view = views_get_view($info['view']);
        ->preview('default', $args);

      // If there are no results, skip it.
      if (empty($view->total_rows)) {

      // Build the View page path with arguments.
      $path = farm_ui_view_page_path($info['view']);
      foreach ($args as $arg) {
        $path .= '/' . $arg;

      // Build a link.
      $link = array(
        'title' => $info['label_plural'] . ': ' . $view->total_rows,
        'href' => $path,

      // Build an array of entity IDs included in the View.
      $entity_ids = array();
      foreach ($view->result as $delta => $record) {
        $entity_ids[] = $record->id;

      // Allow other modules to modify the link. Pass in some additional info
      // about the entities it represents.
      $entity_info = array(
        'entity_type' => $entity_type,
        'bundle' => $bundle,
        'entity_ids' => $entity_ids,
      drupal_alter('farm_area_link', $link, $entity_info);

      // Add the link.
      $links[] = l($link['title'], $link['href']);

  // Return the links.
  return $links;