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function farm_plan_views_data_alter in farmOS 7

Implements hook_views_data_alter().


modules/farm/farm_plan/, line 11
Farm plan views hooks.


function farm_plan_views_data_alter(&$data) {

  // Get available relationships between plans and other record types.
  $relationships = farm_plan_record_relationships();

  // Iterate through the relationships.
  foreach ($relationships as $record_type => $info) {

    // If a database table, field, or entity type are not available, skip it.
    if (empty($info['table']) || empty($info['field']) || empty($info['entity_type'])) {

    // Describe the database table to Views.
    $data[$info['table']]['table']['group'] = t('Farm plan records');

    // Figure out the entity type table.
    // Sometimes the entity type table name is not the same as the entity type
    // machine name (for example: taxonomy_term entities are in a table named
    // taxonomy_term_data), so we allow for the entity type table name to be
    // defined explicitly. If it isn't, then we use the machine name.
    $entity_type_table = !empty($info['entity_type_table']) ? $info['entity_type_table'] : $info['entity_type'];

    // Create implicit relationships between the plan record table and the plan
    // and record entity tables.
    $data[$info['table']]['table']['join'] = array(
      $entity_type_table => array(
        'left_field' => $info['entity_pk'],
        'field' => $info['field'],
      'farm_plan' => array(
        'left_field' => 'id',
        'field' => 'plan_id',

    // Describe the entity ID column.
    $data[$info['table']][$info['field']] = array(
      'title' => $info['field'],
      'help' => t('The @record_type ID that this plan is associated with.', array(
        '@record_type' => $record_type,
      'relationship' => array(
        'base' => $entity_type_table,
        'field' => $info['field'],
        'left field' => $info['entity_pk'],
        'label' => $record_type,
      'argument' => array(
        'help' => t('The plan associated with the @record_type.', array(
          '@record_type' => $record_type,
        'handler' => 'views_handler_argument_numeric',

    // Describe the Plan ID column.
    $data[$info['table']]['plan_id'] = array(
      'title' => t('Plan ID'),
      'help' => t('The plan ID that this @entity_type is associated with.', array(
        '@entity_type' => $info['entity_type'],
      'relationship' => array(
        'base' => 'farm_plan',
        'field' => 'id',
        'label' => t('Plan'),
      'argument' => array(
        'help' => t('The plan associated with the @entity_type.', array(
          '@entity_type' => $info['entity_type'],
        'handler' => 'views_handler_argument_numeric',