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function farm_movement_area_history in farmOS 7

Retrieve an area's movement history. This will provide an array of arrival and departure logs for each asset that has been moved to the area. Only movement logs that have been marked "done" will be included in the history.


$area: The farm area (taxonomy term object).

string|array $asset_types: Limit to only include certain asset types. This can be a single asset type as a string, or an array of asset types. Defaults to empty array, which will include all asset types.

int $start_time: How far back to look? This should be a UNIX timestamp. Defaults to NULL, which looks back through all movement logs in the system.

int $end_time: How far forward to look? This should be a UNIX timestamp. Defaults to the current time, which causes future arrival movements to be excluded.

Return value

array Returns an array of movement history for each asset in the area. Array keys are asset IDs, and each asset will contain an array of arrays that contain arrival and departure logs for each movement through the area. If an asset moved through the area more than once, it will have multiple sub-arrays for each arrival+departure. If a departure log is not found (eg: if the asset has not left the area), the 'depart' key will be NULL.

Example: array( '50' => array( array( 'arrive' => [$log], 'depart' => [$log], ), array( 'arrive' => [$log], 'depart' => NULL, ), ), '51' => array( array( 'arrive' => [$log], 'depart' => [$log], ), ), );


modules/farm/farm_movement/, line 315
Code for managing the location of assets with movement logs.


function farm_movement_area_history($area, $asset_types = array(), $start_time = NULL, $end_time = REQUEST_TIME) {

  // Start an empty history array.
  $history = array();

  // If the area doesn't have an id, bail.
  if (empty($area->tid)) {
    return $history;

  // If $asset_types is not an array, wrap it in one.
  if (!is_array($asset_types)) {
    $asset_types = array(

  // Build a query to retrieve movement logs to this area.
  $query = farm_movement_area_movement_query($area->tid, $end_time);

  // Add the log ID field.
    ->addField('ss_log', 'id');

  // Filter to only include logs that happened AFTER the start time.
  if (!empty($start_time)) {
      ->condition('ss_log.timestamp', $start_time, '>');

  // Join in asset references, and then the farm_asset table record for each.
    ->join('field_data_field_farm_asset', 'ss_fdffa', "ss_fdffa.entity_type = 'log' AND ss_fdffa.entity_id = AND ss_fdffa.deleted = 0");
    ->join('farm_asset', 'ss_fa', ' = ss_fdffa.field_farm_asset_target_id');

  // Filter to only include certain asset types.
  if (!empty($asset_types)) {
      ->condition('ss_fa.type', $asset_types, 'IN');

  // Group by log ID so that we don't get duplicate rows from logs that
  // reference multiple assets.

  // Execute the query to get a list of log IDs.
  $result = $query

  // Iterate through the log IDs.
  foreach ($result as $row) {

    // If the log ID is empty, skip it.
    if (empty($row->id)) {

    // Load the asset's arrival log.
    $log_arrive = log_load($row->id);

    // Create an entity metadata wrapper for the log.
    $log_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('log', $log_arrive);

    // Iterate through the assets.
    foreach ($log_wrapper->field_farm_asset as $asset_wrapper) {

      // Get the asset object.
      $asset = $asset_wrapper

      // The the asset doesn't have an ID, skip it.
      if (empty($asset->id)) {

      // If the asset is not one of the desired types, skip it.
      if (!empty($asset_types) && !in_array($asset->type, $asset_types)) {

      // Look up the asset's next movement log (departure from the area). Only
      // include logs that have been marked "done".
      $log_depart = farm_movement_asset_next_movement($asset, $log_arrive->timestamp, TRUE);

      // Record the asset's time spent in this area.
      $history[$asset->id][] = array(
        'arrive' => $log_arrive,
        'depart' => !empty($log_depart) ? $log_depart : NULL,

  // Return the history.
  return $history;