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function farm_movement_update_7002 in farmOS 7

Migrate movement logs to activity logs.


modules/farm/farm_movement/farm_movement.install, line 152
Code for farm movement installation/updates.


function farm_movement_update_7002(&$sandbox) {

  // Search for fields that exist on movements, but not on activities, so we can
  // move them to activities. This would only be the case if a user added their
  // own fields, movements do not have any extra fields in default farmOS.
  // (They used to, but the "move to" and "geometry" moved to the new
  // field_farm_movement field collection. See farm_movement_update_7001()).
  $log_types = array(
  $log_fields = array();
  foreach ($log_types as $type) {
    $query = db_select('field_config_instance', 'fci');
      ->addField('fci', 'field_name');
      ->condition('fci.entity_type', 'log');
      ->condition('fci.bundle', $type);
      ->condition('fci.deleted', 0);
    $log_fields[$type] = $query
      ->fetchAllKeyed(0, 0);
  $movement_only_fields = array_keys(array_diff($log_fields['farm_movement'], $log_fields['farm_activity']));

  // Move fields that are unique to movements over to activity log types.
  foreach ($movement_only_fields as $field_name) {
    db_query("UPDATE {field_config_instance} SET bundle = 'farm_activity' WHERE entity_type = 'log' AND bundle = 'farm_movement' AND field_name = :field_name", array(
      ':field_name' => $field_name,

  // Change all movement logs to activity logs directly in the {log} table.
  db_query("UPDATE {log} SET type = 'farm_activity' WHERE type = 'farm_movement'");

  // Update the bundles in all field data and revision tables.
  foreach ($log_fields['farm_movement'] as $key => $field_name) {
    db_query("UPDATE {field_data_" . $field_name . "} SET bundle = 'farm_activity' WHERE entity_type = 'log' AND bundle = 'farm_movement'");
    db_query("UPDATE {field_revision_" . $field_name . "} SET bundle = 'farm_activity' WHERE entity_type = 'log' AND bundle = 'farm_movement'");

  // Mark all movement log field instances for deletion.
  foreach ($log_fields['farm_movement'] as $key => $field_name) {
    $field = field_info_instance('log', $field_name, 'farm_movement');