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function farm_metrics_dashboard_pane in farmOS 7

Metrics dashboard callback.

1 string reference to 'farm_metrics_dashboard_pane'
farm_metrics_farm_dashboard_panes in modules/farm/farm_metrics/
Implements hook_farm_dashboard_panes().


modules/farm/farm_metrics/, line 25
Farm dashboard hooks implemented by farm_metrics module.


function farm_metrics_dashboard_pane() {

  // Load metrics.
  $metrics = farm_metrics();

  // If no metrics are available, show a message.
  if (empty($metrics)) {
    return 'No metrics available.';

  // Iterate through the metrics and build rendered metrics.
  $rendered_metrics = array();
  foreach ($metrics as $metric) {
    $rendered_metrics[] = '<li role="presentation"><a href="' . url($metric['link']) . '">' . $metric['label'] . ' <span class="badge">' . $metric['value'] . '</span></a></li>';

  // Build and return the final output.
  $output = '<ul class="nav nav-pills" role="tablist">';
  $output .= implode('', $rendered_metrics);
  $output .= '</ul>';
  return $output;