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Farm map geometry functions.


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 * @file
 * Farm map geometry functions.

 * Helper function for setting BCMath scale. We use this (along with
 * farm_map_reset_bcscale()) in geometry functions below to consistently call
 * bcscale() with a high precision, so that small latitude/longitude geometries
 * can have their length/area calculated with maximum precision.
 * @see
function farm_map_set_bcscale($reset = FALSE) {

  // If BCMath is not installed, bail.
  if (!function_exists('bcscale')) {

  // The first time this function is called, we will save the current bcscale()
  // value in a static variable, so that it can be reset in the future.
  $scale =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__ . 'scale');

  // We will also keep track of how deep we are in nested functions, to ensure
  // that the scale is not reset before it should be.
  $depth =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__ . 'depth');
  if (!isset($depth)) {
    $depth = 0;

  // Reset the scale, if desired.
  if (!empty($reset)) {

    // If the scale has not been set, bail.
    // This prevents farm_map_reset_bcscale() being called before this function.
    if (!isset($scale)) {

    // Decrement the depth, and if the depth is still greater than 0, return so
    // that we do not reset yet.
    if ($depth > 0) {

    // Otherwise, reset.
    // bcscale() sets the scale globally back to whatever it was originally when
    // farm_map_set_bcscale() was first run, which we saved in the static $scale
    // variable. We also unset the static $scale variable so that it can be set
    // again later in the request, if necessary.
    drupal_static_reset(__FUNCTION__ . 'scale');

  // Set the scale, if it has not been already.
  // bcscale() sets the scale globally, and returns the previous scale, which we
  // save in the static $scale variable, so that we can reset later.
  if (!isset($scale)) {
    $scale = bcscale(24);

  // Remember how deep we are in nested functions.

 * Helper function for resetting BCMath scale.
function farm_map_reset_bcscale() {

 * Combine multiple WKT geometries into a single GeoPHP geometry object.
 * @param array $geoms
 *   An array of geometry strings in WKT format.
 * @return object|bool
 *   Returns a GeoPHP object, or FALSE on failure.
function farm_map_combine_geoms($geoms = array()) {

  // If no geometries were found, return an empty geometry.
  if (empty($geoms)) {
    return FALSE;

  // Load the GeoPHP library.

  // If there is more than one geometry, we will wrap it all in a
  // GEOMETRYCOLLECTION() at the end.
  $geometrycollection = FALSE;
  if (count($geoms) > 1) {
    $geometrycollection = TRUE;

  // Build an array of WKT strings.
  $wkt_strings = array();
  foreach ($geoms as &$geom) {

    // If the geometry is empty, skip it.
    if (empty($geom)) {

    // Convert to a GeoPHP geometry object.
    $geometry = geoPHP::load($geom, 'wkt');

    // If this is a geometry collection, multi-point, multi-linestring, or
    // multi-polygon, then extract its components and add them individually to
    // the array.
    $multigeometries = array(
    if (in_array($geometry
      ->geometryType(), $multigeometries)) {

      // Iterate through the geometry components and add each to the array.
      $components = $geometry
      foreach ($components as $component) {
        $wkt_strings[] = $component

      // Set $geometrycollection to TRUE in case there was only one geometry in
      // the $geoms parameter of this function, so that we know to wrap the WKT
      // in a GEOMETRYCOLLECTION() at the end.
      $geometrycollection = TRUE;
    else {
      $wkt_strings[] = $geometry

  // Combine all the WKT strings together into one.
  $wkt = implode(',', $wkt_strings);

  // If the WKT is empty, bail.
  if (empty($wkt)) {
    return FALSE;

  // If there is more than one geometry, wrap them all in a geometry collection.
  if ($geometrycollection) {
    $wkt = 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION (' . $wkt . ')';

  // Convert to a final GeoPHP geometry object and reduce the geometry.
  $geometry = geoPHP::load($wkt, 'wkt');
  $geometry = geoPHP::geometryReduce($geometry);

  // Return the geometry.
  return $geometry;

 * Calculate latitude degree length at a given latitude. Equations are taken
 * from
 * @param $lat
 *   The latitude to calculate degree length at, in degrees.
 * @return string
 *   Returns the length of a degree of latitude at the given latitude as a
 *   string, in meters.
function farm_map_lat_deg_len($lat) {

  // Load GeoPHP.

  // Set BCMath scale.

  // Convert degrees to radians.
  $lat = deg2rad($lat);

  // Define coefficients. These are copied from
  $m1 = 111132.95255;
  $m2 = 559.84957;
  $m3 = 1.17514;
  $m4 = 0.0023;

  // If BCMath is available, use that. Otherwise, use normal PHP float
  // operations.
  if (geoPHP::bcmathInstalled()) {
    $length = bcsub($m1, bcadd(bcmul($m2, cos(bcmul(2, $lat))), bcsub(bcmul($m3, cos(bcmul(4, $lat))), bcmul($m4, cos(bcmul(6, $lat))))));
  else {
    $length = $m1 - $m2 * cos(2 * $lat) + $m3 * cos(4 * $lat) - $m4 * cos(6 * $lat);

  // Reset BCMath scale.

  // Return the length.
  return (string) $length;

 * Calculate longitude degree length at a given latitude. Equations are taken
 * from
 * See also
 * @param $lat
 *   The latitude to calculate degree length at, in degrees.
 * @return string
 *   Returns the length of a degree of longitude at the given latitude as a
 *   string, in meters.
function farm_map_lon_deg_len($lat) {

  // Load GeoPHP.

  // Set BCMath scale.

  // Convert degrees to radians.
  $lat = deg2rad($lat);

  // Define coefficients. These are copied from
  $p1 = 111412.87733;
  $p2 = 93.50412;
  $p3 = 0.11774;

  // If BCMath is available, use that. Otherwise, use normal PHP float
  // operations.
  if (geoPHP::bcmathInstalled()) {
    $length = bcsub(bcmul($p1, cos($lat)), bcsub(bcmul($p2, cos(bcmul(3, $lat))), bcmul($p3, cos(bcmul(5, $lat)))));
  else {
    $length = $p1 * cos($lat) - $p2 * cos(3 * $lat) - $p3 * cos(5 * $lat);

  // Reset BCMath scale.

  // Return the length.
  return (string) $length;

 * Calculate the distance between two latitude/longitude points in meters.
 * @param Point $p1
 *   The first point.
 * @param Point $p2
 *   The second point.
 * @return string
 *   Returns the distance as a string, in meters.
function farm_map_distance($p1, $p2) {

  // Load GeoPHP.

  // Set BCMath scale.

  // Build a LineString and calculate the center point.
  $line = new LineString(array(
  $centroid = $line

  // Calculate the length of latitude and longitude degrees at the centroid.
  $lon_deg_len = farm_map_lon_deg_len($centroid
  $lat_deg_len = farm_map_lat_deg_len($centroid

  // If BCMath is available, use that. Otherwise, use normal PHP float
  // operations.
  if (geoPHP::bcmathInstalled()) {
    $length = bcsqrt(bcadd(bcpow(bcmul(bcsub($p1
      ->getX(), $p2
      ->getX()), $lon_deg_len), '2'), bcpow(bcmul(bcsub($p1
      ->getY(), $p2
      ->getY()), $lat_deg_len), '2')));
  else {
    $length = sqrt(pow(($p1
      ->getX() - $p2
      ->getX()) * $lon_deg_len, 2) + pow(($p1
      ->getY() - $p2
      ->getY()) * $lat_deg_len, 2));

  // Reset BCMath scale.

  // Return the length as a string.
  return (string) $length;

 * Calculate the length of a LineString in meters.
 * @param LineString $line
 *   The line to measure.
 * @return string
 *   Returns the length of the line as a string, in meters.
function farm_map_line_length($line) {

  // Load GeoPHP.

  // Set BCMath scale.

  // Start with a length of zero.
  $length = 0;

  // Iterate through the points.
  foreach ($line
    ->getPoints() as $delta => $point) {

    // Attempt to load the previous point.
    $previous_point = $line

    // If a previous point is available
    if ($previous_point) {

      // If BCMath is available, use that. Otherwise, use normal PHP float
      // operations.
      if (geoPHP::bcmathInstalled()) {
        $length = bcadd($length, farm_map_distance($previous_point, $point));
      else {
        $length += farm_map_distance($previous_point, $point);

  // Reset BCMath scale.

  // Return the length as a string.
  return (string) $length;

 * Calculate the area of a Polygon in square meters.
 * @param Polygon $polygon
 *   The polygon to measure.
 * @return string
 *   Returns the area of the polygon as a string, in  square meters.
function farm_map_polygon_area($polygon) {

  // Load GeoPHP.

  // If the geometry is not a polygon, bail.
  if ($polygon
    ->geometryType() != 'Polygon' || $polygon->components[0]
    ->geometryType() != 'LineString') {
    return $polygon;

  // Set BCMath scale.

  // We're going to do a pseudo-projection of the polygon into a coordinate
  // system that is measured in meters, and then run a standard area calculation
  // on that. We'll do this by first finding the bounding box of the polygon,
  // and use the lower left point as origin. Then, we'll calculate the latitude
  // and longitude lengths of the polygon's centroid point, and use those to
  // calculate the new point positions.
  // Get the bounding box of the polygon.
  $bbox = $polygon

  // Create an origin point.
  $origin = new Point($bbox['minx'], $bbox['miny']);

  // Get the polygon's centroid point.
  $centroid = $polygon

  // Calculate the latitude/longitude degree lengths at the centroid point.
  $lon_deg_len = farm_map_lon_deg_len($centroid
  $lat_deg_len = farm_map_lat_deg_len($centroid

  // Iterate through the polygon's points and map them to new points.
  $line = $polygon->components[0];
  $new_points = array();
  foreach ($line
    ->getPoints() as $delta => $point) {

    // Calculate the distance between the point and origin.
    $distance_x = $point
      ->getX() - $origin
    $distance_y = $point
      ->getY() - $origin

    // Multiply distances by latitude/longitude degree lengths to get new point.
    $new_x = $distance_x * $lon_deg_len;
    $new_y = $distance_y * $lat_deg_len;

    // Add the new point.
    $new_points[] = new Point($new_x, $new_y);

  // Construct a new polygon.
  $new_polygon = new Polygon(array(
    new LineString($new_points),

  // Calculate the area of the new polygon.
  $area = $new_polygon

  // Reset BCMath scale.

  // Return the area as a string.
  return (string) $area;


Namesort descending Description
farm_map_combine_geoms Combine multiple WKT geometries into a single GeoPHP geometry object.
farm_map_distance Calculate the distance between two latitude/longitude points in meters.
farm_map_lat_deg_len Calculate latitude degree length at a given latitude. Equations are taken from
farm_map_line_length Calculate the length of a LineString in meters.
farm_map_lon_deg_len Calculate longitude degree length at a given latitude. Equations are taken from See also…
farm_map_polygon_area Calculate the area of a Polygon in square meters.
farm_map_reset_bcscale Helper function for resetting BCMath scale.
farm_map_set_bcscale Helper function for setting BCMath scale. We use this (along with farm_map_reset_bcscale()) in geometry functions below to consistently call bcscale() with a high precision, so that small latitude/longitude geometries can have their length/area…