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function farm_log_prepopulate_log_form_references in farmOS 7

Helper function for populating entity reference fields in log forms.


array $form: The form array to modify, passed by reference.

1 call to farm_log_prepopulate_log_form_references()
farm_log_form_log_form_alter in modules/farm/farm_log/farm_log.module
Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().


modules/farm/farm_log/farm_log.module, line 521
Code for the Farm Log feature.


function farm_log_prepopulate_log_form_references(&$form) {

  // Get the log type from the form. Bail if none.
  if (empty($form['#bundle'])) {
  $log_type = $form['#bundle'];

  // Ask modules for information about fields that should be prepopulated for
  // this log type.
  $fields = module_invoke_all('farm_log_prepopulate_reference_fields', $log_type);

  // Allow modules to alter the field information.
  drupal_alter('farm_log_prepopulate_reference_fields', $fields, $log_type);

  // Populate the fields.
  foreach ($fields as $field => $info) {

    // Start with an empty array of IDs.
    $ids = array();

    // If the field does not exist on the log, skip it.
    if (!isset($form[$field])) {

    // If a URL param is available, get a list of entity IDs from it.
    if (!empty($info['url_param'])) {

      // Get query parameters.
      $params = drupal_get_query_parameters();

      // If the URL param is set, pull the IDs out.
      if (!empty($params[$info['url_param']])) {
        $ids = $params[$info['url_param']];
    elseif ($info['entity_type'] == 'user') {
      global $user;
      if (!empty($user->uid)) {
        $ids[] = $user->uid;

    // Ensure that the IDs are an array.
    if (!is_array($ids)) {
      $ids = array(

    // Allow modules to add log categories.
    if ($field == 'field_farm_log_category' && !empty($form['#entity'])) {
      $categories = module_invoke_all('farm_log_categories_populate', $form['#entity']);
      if (!empty($categories)) {
        foreach ($categories as $category) {
          if (is_string($category)) {
            $ids[] = t($category);

    // If there are no IDs, skip.
    if (empty($ids)) {

    // Look up taxonomy term IDs, if necessary.
    if ($info['entity_type'] == 'taxonomy_term' && !empty($info['lookup']) && !empty($info['vocabulary'])) {
      $term_names = $ids;
      $ids = array();
      foreach ($term_names as $name) {
        $term = farm_term($name, $info['vocabulary'], FALSE);
        if (!empty($term->tid)) {
          $ids[] = $term->tid;

    // Prepopulate with the farm_fields helper function.
    farm_fields_prepopulate_entityreference($form, $info['entity_type'], $field, $ids);