function farm_group_circular_membership_validate in farmOS 7
Form helper function for validating against circular membership assignment.
array $asset_ids: An array of asset IDs that are being assigned to group(s).
array $group_ids: An array of group IDs that the assets are being assigned to.
string $element_name: The form element name to flag in form_set_error() if circular membership is detected.
3 calls to farm_group_circular_membership_validate()
- farm_group_asset_form_validate in modules/
farm/ farm_group/ farm_group.module - Validation handler for processing the asset group field.
- farm_group_asset_membership_action_validate in modules/
farm/ farm_group/ farm_group.module - Validation handler for farm_group_asset_membership action configuration form.
- farm_group_field_farm_membership_validate in modules/
farm/ farm_group/ farm_group.module - Validation callback for the field_farm_group field in logs.
- modules/
farm/ farm_group/ farm_group.module, line 857
function farm_group_circular_membership_validate($asset_ids, $group_ids, $element_name) {
// Iterate through the selected groups and assets to check for possible
// circular membership.
foreach ($group_ids as $group_id) {
// If the group ID is empty, skip it.
if (empty($group_id)) {
// Load the group.
$group = farm_asset_load($group_id);
// If the group did not load, skip it.
if (empty($group)) {
// Iterate through the assets being assigned to the group.
foreach ($asset_ids as $asset_id) {
// If the asset ID is empty, skip it.
if (empty($asset_id)) {
// Load the asset.
$asset = farm_asset_load($asset_id);
// If the group did not load, skip it.
if (empty($asset)) {
// Check for a circular membership.
$circular = farm_group_circular_membership($group, $asset);
// If a circular membership is detected, warn the user.
if ($circular) {
// Get the URI information for the group and asset.
$group_uri = entity_uri('farm_asset', $group);
$asset_uri = entity_uri('farm_asset', $asset);
// Create links to the asset and group.
$group_link = l(entity_label('farm_asset', $group), $group_uri['path']);
$asset_link = l(entity_label('farm_asset', $asset), $asset_uri['path']);
// Set an error on the asset field and describe which asset and group
// would create the circular membership.
form_set_error($element_name, t('The asset "!asset_link" cannot be added to the group "!group_link" because it would create a circular membership.', array(
'!asset_link' => $asset_link,
'!group_link' => $group_link,