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function farm_crop_strongarm in farmOS 7

Implements hook_strongarm().


modules/farm/farm_crop/, line 10


function farm_crop_strongarm() {
  $export = array();
  $strongarm = new stdClass();
  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE;

  /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
  $strongarm->name = 'pathauto_farm_asset_planting_pattern';
  $strongarm->value = 'farm/planting/[farm_asset:name]';
  $export['pathauto_farm_asset_planting_pattern'] = $strongarm;
  $strongarm = new stdClass();
  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE;

  /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
  $strongarm->name = 'pathauto_taxonomy_term_farm_crops_pattern';
  $strongarm->value = 'farm/crop/[term:name]';
  $export['pathauto_taxonomy_term_farm_crops_pattern'] = $strongarm;
  $strongarm = new stdClass();
  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE;

  /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
  $strongarm->name = 'pathauto_taxonomy_term_farm_crop_families_pattern';
  $strongarm->value = 'farm/crop-family/[term:name]';
  $export['pathauto_taxonomy_term_farm_crop_families_pattern'] = $strongarm;
  return $export;