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function farm_crop_help in farmOS 7

Implements hook_help().


modules/farm/farm_crop/farm_crop.module, line 12


function farm_crop_help($path, $arg) {

  // View of Plantings.
  if ($path == 'farm/assets/plantings') {
    return t('Plantings can be used to represent groups of plants (eg: a field of corn, or a group of seedlings), or they can be used to represent individual plants (eg: in the case of nurseries). For more information, see the <a href="@plantings_doc_url">Plantings</a> documentation.', array(
      '@plantings_doc_url' => url(''),
  elseif ($path == 'farm/logs/seedings') {
    return t('Seeding logs represent when <a href="@plantings_url">Planting assets</a> are seeded directly into the ground (or into containers). For more information, see the <a href="@plantings_doc_url">Plantings</a> documentation.', array(
      '@plantings_url' => url('farm/assets/plantings'),
      '@plantings_doc_url' => url(''),
  elseif ($path == 'farm/logs/transplantings') {
    return t('Transplanting logs represent when <a href="@plantings_url">Planting assets</a> are transplanted from one place to another. For more information, see the <a href="@plantings_doc_url">Plantings</a> documentation.', array(
      '@plantings_url' => url('farm/assets/plantings'),
      '@plantings_doc_url' => url(''),