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function farm_crop_planting_quick_form in farmOS 7

Planting quick form.

1 string reference to 'farm_crop_planting_quick_form'
farm_crop_farm_quick_forms in modules/farm/farm_crop/
Implements hook_farm_quick_forms().


modules/farm/farm_crop/, line 11
Farm planting quick form.


function farm_crop_planting_quick_form($form, &$form_state) {

  // Alias $form_state['values']['planting'] for easier use.
  $form_values = array();
  if (!empty($form_state['values']['planting'])) {
    $form_values =& $form_state['values']['planting'];

  // Wrapper fieldset.
  $form['planting'] = array(
    '#type' => 'fieldset',
    '#title' => t('Record a planting'),
    '#description' => t('Use this form to record a planting, along with optional logs associated with it.'),
    '#tree' => TRUE,

  // Load the season that was used last time.
  // Default to the current year.
  $season = variable_get('farm_crop_planting_season', date('Y'));

  // Season.
  $form['planting']['season'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#title' => t('Season'),
    '#description' => t('What season(s) will this planting be part of? This is used for organizing plantings for future reference, and can be something like "@year" or "@year Summer". This will be prepended to the planting asset name.', array(
      '@year' => date('Y'),
    '#autocomplete_path' => 'taxonomy/autocomplete/field_farm_season',
    '#default_value' => $season,
    '#ajax' => array(
      'callback' => 'farm_crop_planting_quick_form_name_ajax',
      'wrapper' => 'planting-name',
    '#required' => TRUE,

  // Number of crops/varieties.
  $crop_count_default = 1;
  $form['planting']['crop_count'] = array(
    '#type' => 'select',
    '#title' => t('If this is a mix, how many crops/varieties are included?'),
    '#options' => drupal_map_assoc(range(1, 15)),
    '#default_value' => $crop_count_default,
    '#ajax' => array(
      'callback' => 'farm_crop_planting_quick_form_crops_ajax',
      'wrapper' => 'planting-crops',

  // Create a field for each crop/variety.
  $crop_count = $crop_count_default;
  if (!empty($form_values['crop_count'])) {
    $crop_count = $form_values['crop_count'];
  for ($i = 0; $i < $crop_count; $i++) {
    $form['planting']['crops'][$i] = array(
      '#type' => 'textfield',
      '#title' => t('Crop/variety') . ' ' . ($i + 1),
      '#description' => t('Enter the crop/variety that this is a planting of. As you type, you will have the option of selecting from crops/varieties that you\'ve entered in the past.'),
      '#autocomplete_path' => 'taxonomy/autocomplete/field_farm_crop',
      '#ajax' => array(
        'callback' => 'farm_crop_planting_quick_form_name_ajax',
        'wrapper' => 'planting-name',
      '#required' => TRUE,

  // Add the 'planting-crops' wrapper div around the crops field(s), so that it
  // can be replaced via AJAX.
  $form['planting']['crops']['#prefix'] = '<div id="planting-crops">';
  $form['planting']['crops']['#suffix'] = '</div>';

  // Define the date format for logs.
  $date_format = 'Y-m-d';

  // Define an array of logs that can be created for this planting.
  $logs = array(
    'seeding' => array(
      'title' => t('Seeding'),
      'type' => 'farm_seeding',
      'enabled' => TRUE,
      'fields' => array(
      'quantity_measures' => array(
    'transplanting' => array(
      'title' => t('Transplanting'),
      'type' => 'farm_transplanting',
      'enabled' => FALSE,
      'fields' => array(
      'quantity_measures' => array(
    'harvest' => array(
      'title' => t('Harvest'),
      'type' => 'farm_harvest',
      'enabled' => FALSE,
      'fields' => array(

  // Create a container for all log fields.
  $form['planting']['logs'] = array(
    '#type' => 'container',
    '#prefix' => '<div id="planting-logs">',
    '#suffix' => '</div>',

  // Create fields for each log.
  foreach ($logs as $name => $info) {

    // Log checkbox, checked based on $form_state, with default.
    $enabled = !empty($info['enabled']) ? $info['enabled'] : FALSE;
    if (isset($form_values['logs'][$name]['enabled'])) {
      $enabled = $form_values['logs'][$name]['enabled'];
    $form['planting']['logs'][$name]['enabled'] = array(
      '#type' => 'checkbox',
      '#title' => t('Add') . ' ' . $info['title'],
      '#default_value' => $enabled,
      '#ajax' => array(
        'callback' => 'farm_crop_planting_quick_form_logs_ajax',
        'wrapper' => 'planting-logs',

    // If the log is not enabled, stop here.
    if (empty($enabled)) {

    // Create a fieldset for the log.
    $form['planting']['logs'][$name]['#type'] = 'fieldset';
    $form['planting']['logs'][$name]['#collapsible'] = TRUE;
    $form['planting']['logs'][$name]['#collapsed'] = FALSE;

    // Add a hidden value for the log type.
    $form['planting']['logs'][$name]['type'] = array(
      '#type' => 'value',
      '#value' => $info['type'],

    // Filter the available quantity measures, if desired.
    $quantity_measure_options = farm_quantity_measure_options();
    $filtered_quantity_measure_options = $quantity_measure_options;
    if (!empty($info['quantity_measures'])) {
      $filtered_quantity_measure_options = array();
      foreach ($info['quantity_measures'] as $measure) {
        if (!empty($quantity_measure_options[$measure])) {
          $filtered_quantity_measure_options[$measure] = $quantity_measure_options[$measure];

    // Create fields.
    $field_info = array(
      'date' => array(
        '#type' => 'date_select',
        '#title' => t('Date'),
        '#date_format' => $date_format,
        '#date_label_position' => 'within',
        '#date_year_range' => '-10:+3',
        '#default_value' => REQUEST_TIME,
        '#required' => TRUE,
      'done' => array(
        '#type' => 'checkbox',
        '#title' => t('Completed'),
      'location' => array(
        '#type' => 'textfield',
        '#title' => t('Location'),
        '#description' => t('Enter the name of the area that this will take place in. A list of existing area options will appear as you type. If the area does not exist, a new one will be created.'),
        '#autocomplete_path' => 'taxonomy/autocomplete/field_farm_area',
        '#maxlength' => NULL,
        '#ajax' => array(
          'callback' => 'farm_crop_planting_quick_form_name_ajax',
          'wrapper' => 'planting-name',
        '#required' => TRUE,
      'quantity' => array(
        '#type' => 'fieldset',
        '#title' => t('Quantity'),
        '#collapsible' => TRUE,
        '#collapsed' => TRUE,
        'measure' => array(
          '#type' => 'select',
          '#title' => t('Measure'),
          '#options' => $filtered_quantity_measure_options,
          '#default_value' => 'weight',
        'value' => array(
          '#type' => 'textfield',
          '#title' => t('Value'),
        'units' => array(
          '#type' => 'textfield',
          '#title' => t('Units'),
          '#autocomplete_path' => 'taxonomy/autocomplete/field_farm_quantity_units',
      'notes' => array(
        '#type' => 'fieldset',
        '#title' => t('Notes'),
        '#collapsible' => TRUE,
        '#collapsed' => TRUE,
        'notes' => array(
          '#type' => 'text_format',
          '#title' => $info['title'] . ' ' . t('Notes'),
          '#format' => 'farm_format',
    foreach ($info['fields'] as $field) {
      if (array_key_exists($field, $field_info)) {
        $form['planting']['logs'][$name][$field] = $field_info[$field];

  // Get the season.
  // $season defaults to last used season, above.
  if (!empty($form_values['season'])) {
    $season = $form_values['season'];

  // Get the array of crops.
  $crop_tags = array();
  if (!empty($form_values['crops'])) {
    $crop_tags = $form_values['crops'];

  // Get the location.
  // The "final" location of the planting is assumed to be the transplanting
  // location. If a transplanting is not being created, but a seeding is, then
  // use the seeding location.
  $location = '';
  if (!empty($form_values['logs']['transplanting']['location'])) {
    $location = $form_values['logs']['transplanting']['location'];
  elseif (!empty($form_values['logs']['seeding']['location'])) {
    $location = $form_values['logs']['seeding']['location'];

  // The planting will be named based on the season, location and crop.
  // The location string may be trimmed to 253 char (accounting for spaces)
  // to ensure that the asset name is less than 255 characters.
  $planting_name_parts = array();
  if (!empty($season)) {
    $planting_name_parts[] = $season;
  $crop_string = implode(',', $crop_tags);
  $location_string = substr($location, 0, 253 - strlen($season) - strlen($crop_string));
  if (!empty($location_string)) {
    $planting_name_parts[] = $location_string;
  if (!empty($crop_string)) {
    $planting_name_parts[] = $crop_string;
  $planting_name = implode(' ', $planting_name_parts);

  // Unset $form_state['input'] in order to change default value via AJAX.

  // Planting asset name.
  $form['planting']['name'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#title' => t('Planting asset name'),
    '#maxlength' => 255,
    '#description' => t('The planting asset name will default to "[Season] [Location] [Crop(s)]" but can be modified here. If both a seeding and a transplanting log are created, the transplanting location will be used.'),
    '#default_value' => $planting_name,
    '#prefix' => '<div id="planting-name">',
    '#suffix' => '</div>',
    '#required' => TRUE,

  // Submit button.
  $form['planting']['submit'] = array(
    '#type' => 'submit',
    '#value' => t('Create planting'),

  // Return the form.
  return $form;