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function farm_asset_view in farmOS 7

Asset view callback.


FarmAsset $farm_asset: The farm asset entity.

Return value

array Returns the entity render array.

4 string references to 'farm_asset_view'
farm_asset_farm_asset_view_menu_alter in modules/farm/farm_asset/includes/ctools/
Callback defined by farm_asset_farm_asset_view_farm_asset_tasks().
farm_asset_farm_asset_view_page in modules/farm/farm_asset/includes/ctools/
Entry point for our overridden farm_asset view.
farm_asset_menu in modules/farm/farm_asset/farm_asset.module
Implements hook_menu().
_farm_ui_menu_local_tasks_alter in modules/farm/farm_ui/
Helper function for adding farmOS action links.


modules/farm/farm_asset/, line 17
Farm asset pages.


function farm_asset_view(FarmAsset $farm_asset) {

  // Set the page title.
  drupal_set_title(entity_label('farm_asset', $farm_asset));

  // Build the asset's render array.
  $build = entity_view('farm_asset', array(
    entity_id('farm_asset', $farm_asset) => $farm_asset,
  ), 'full');

  // Return the render array.
  return $build;