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function farm_access_entity_bundles_role_perms in farmOS 7

Generate permission lists for farm entity bundles for a given role.

This is a helper function to make the task of generating permission lists easier. It uses farm_access_entity_perms() above.


$entity_type: The entity type.

$role: The farm access role that will be receiving the permissions.

Return value

array Returns a list of permissions for the given entity type, bundles, and role.

4 calls to farm_access_entity_bundles_role_perms()
farm_asset_farm_access_perms in modules/farm/farm_access/
Implements hook_farm_access_perms().
farm_plan_farm_access_perms in modules/farm/farm_access/
Implements hook_farm_access_perms().
log_farm_access_perms in modules/farm/farm_access/
Implements hook_farm_access_perms().
taxonomy_farm_access_perms in modules/farm/farm_access/
Implements hook_farm_access_perms().


modules/farm/farm_access/farm_access.module, line 565
Farm Access module.


function farm_access_entity_bundles_role_perms($entity_type, $role) {
  $perms = array();

  // Get a list of bundles for this entity type.
  $bundles = array();
  $entity_type_info = entity_get_info($entity_type);
  if (!empty($entity_type_info['bundles'])) {
    foreach ($entity_type_info['bundles'] as $name => $bundle) {
      $bundles[] = $name;

  // Load the list of farm roles.
  $roles = farm_access_roles();

  // Grant access to view and edit entity type bundles.
  $access_ops = array(
    'view' => array(
    'edit' => array(
  foreach ($access_ops as $access => $ops) {

    // If the role has access to these asset operations...
    if (!empty($roles[$role]['access'][$access])) {

      // Build a list of entity type bundles that they have access to. If 'all'
      // access is granted, add all permissions. Or, if specific bundles are
      // specified, add them individually.
      $access_types[$entity_type] = array();
      if ($roles[$role]['access'][$access] == 'all' || !empty($roles[$role]['access'][$access][$entity_type]) && $roles[$role]['access'][$access][$entity_type] == 'all') {
        foreach ($bundles as $type) {
          $access_types[$entity_type][] = $type;
      elseif (!empty($roles[$role]['access'][$access][$entity_type])) {
        foreach ($roles[$role]['access'][$access][$entity_type] as $bundle) {
          if (!empty($bundles[$bundle])) {
            $access_types[$entity_type][] = $bundle;

      // Build a list of entity permissions for the assets and operations and
      // merge them into the permissions this function will return.
      $entity_perms = farm_access_entity_perms($access_types, $ops);
      $perms = array_merge($perms, $entity_perms);

  // Return the permissions.
  return $perms;