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function farm_access_available_perms in farmOS 7

Gets a list of all available farm permissions.


string $role: A farm role machine name to get current permissions for.

Return value

array Returns an array of permission strings.

1 call to farm_access_available_perms()
farm_access_compare_perms in modules/farm/farm_access/farm_access.module
Compares available permissions to actual permissions.


modules/farm/farm_access/farm_access.module, line 310
Farm Access module.


function farm_access_available_perms($role) {

  // Load the permissions provided by this module on behalf of others.
  module_load_include('inc', 'farm_access', 'farm_access.modules');

  // Invoke hook_farm_access_perms() to allow modules to provide permissions.
  $perms = module_invoke_all('farm_access_perms', $role);

  // Unset any that don't exist.
  // This can be an issue with Taxonomies provided by Features.
  $permissions_modules = user_permission_get_modules();
  foreach ($perms as $key => $perm) {
    if (empty($permissions_modules[$perm])) {

  // Allow other modules to alter the permissions for this role.
  drupal_alter('farm_access_perms', $role, $perms);

  // Return them.
  return $perms;