18 calls to farm_access_roles() in farmOS 7
- farm_access_current_perms in modules/
farm/ farm_access/ farm_access.module - Gets a list of the permissions currently assigned to farm roles.
- farm_access_entity_bundles_role_perms in modules/
farm/ farm_access/ farm_access.module - Generate permission lists for farm entity bundles for a given role.
- farm_access_farm_access_perms in modules/
farm/ farm_access/ farm_access.module - Implements hook_farm_access_perms().
- farm_access_form_alter in modules/
farm/ farm_access/ farm_access.module - Implements hook_form_alter().
- farm_access_roles_create in modules/
farm/ farm_access/ farm_access.module - Create farm roles.
- farm_access_sync_perms in modules/
farm/ farm_access/ farm_access.module - Synchronize all available farm permissions farm roles.
- farm_api_farm_access_perms in modules/
farm/ farm_api/ farm_api.farm_access.inc - Implements hook_farm_access_perms().
- farm_area_generate_farm_access_perms in modules/
farm/ farm_area/ farm_area_generate/ farm_area_generate.module - Implements hook_farm_access_perms().
- farm_area_import_farm_access_perms in modules/
farm/ farm_area/ farm_area_import/ farm_area_import.module - Implements hook_farm_access_perms().
- farm_import_farm_access_perms in modules/
farm/ farm_import/ farm_import.module - Implements hook_farm_access_perms().
- farm_log_assign_action_form in modules/
farm/ farm_log/ farm_log.module - Log assign action configuration form.
- farm_mapknitter_farm_access_perms in modules/
farm/ farm_mapknitter/ farm_mapknitter.module - Implements hook_farm_access_perms().
- farm_map_farm_access_perms in modules/
farm/ farm_map/ farm_map.module - Implements hook_farm_access_perms().
- farm_quantity_farm_access_perms in modules/
farm/ farm_quantity/ farm_quantity.module - Implements hook_farm_access_perms().
- farm_quick_farm_access_perms in modules/
farm/ farm_quick/ farm_quick.module - Implements hook_farm_access_perms().
- farm_report_farm_access_perms in modules/
farm/ farm_report/ farm_report.module - Implements hook_farm_access_perms().
- hook_farm_access_perms in modules/
farm/ farm_access/ farm_access.api.php - Defines farm access permissions. Use farm_access_entity_perms() to generate permissions for common entity types.
- taxonomy_farm_access_perms in modules/
farm/ farm_access/ farm_access.farm_access.inc - Implements hook_farm_access_perms().