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function FaqAskTestCase::turnUnansQestBlockOff in FAQ_Ask 6.2

Local function to switch the Block containing unanswered questions Off

1 call to FaqAskTestCase::turnUnansQestBlockOff()
FaqAskCRUDTestClass::testUnpublishedQuestion in ./faq_ask.test
Testing that the published state of the new question is honoring the content type default


./faq_ask.test, line 237
Test FAQ functionality Base test class. All tests inherits this one. Hugely based on code from the test file block.test by boombatower


Base class that is extended by test cases.


function turnUnansQestBlockOff() {
    ->drupalPost('admin/build/block/configure/faq_ask/0', array(
    'visibility' => '0',
  ), t('Save block'));
    ->drupalPost('admin/build/block', array(
    'faq_ask_0[region]' => '-1',
  ), t('Save blocks'));