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faq_ask.test in FAQ_Ask 6.2

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  1. 7 faq_ask.test

Test FAQ functionality Base test class. All tests inherits this one. Hugely based on code from the test file block.test by boombatower


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 * @file
 * Test FAQ functionality Base test class. All tests inherits this one.
 * Hugely based on code from the test file block.test by boombatower

 * Base class that is extended by test cases.
class FaqAskTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
  protected $admin_user, $view_faq_user, $faq_user, $faq_asker, $faq_expert;
  protected $taxonomy;
  protected $term1, $term2, $faq, $faq1, $faq2, $faq3, $faq4;
  protected $expert_role, $expert_roles;

   * Implementation of getInfo().
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('FAQ-Ask functionality'),
      'description' => t('Base class. No tests here.'),
      'group' => t('FAQ-Ask'),

   * Implementation of setUp().
  function setUp() {

    // Install FAQ Module.
    parent::setUp('taxonomy', 'faq', 'faq_ask');

    // Create and log in user with administer taxonomy permissions.
    $this->admin_user = $this
      'administer users',
      'administer permissions',
      'administer taxonomy',
      'administer faq',
      'administer faq order',
      'administer blocks',
      'administer content types',
    $this->faq_user = $this
      'create faq',
      'edit faq',
      'delete faq content',
      'view faq page',
      'access content',
    $this->view_faq_user = $this
      'view faq page',
      'access content',
    $this->faq_asker = $this
      'view faq page',
      'access content',
      'ask question',
      'create faq',
      'edit faq',
    $this->faq_expert = $this
      'view faq page',
      'edit own faq',
      'edit faq',
      'access content',
      'answer question',
    $roles = $this->faq_expert->roles;
      ->pass(print_r($roles, TRUE));
    $this->expert_role = key($roles);

    // Set to last role (the unique one)

    // Set up the vocab and terms.

    // Categorize questions.
      ->drupalPost('admin/settings/faq/categories', array(
      'faq_use_categories' => '1',
    ), t('Save configuration'));

    //    $this->drupalPost('admin/user/roles', array('name' => 'expert'), 'Add role');
    //    $this->assertText('The role has been added.', 'New role created');
    //    $this->drupalPost('admin/user/permissions/3', array('3[create faq]' => TRUE, '3[answer question]' => TRUE), 'Save permissions');
    // Set up expert on settings page for faq_ask
    $edit = array(
      'faq_ask_notify' => TRUE,
      'faq_ask_asker_notify' => TRUE,
      'faq_ask_asker_notify_indication' => FALSE,
      'faq_expert_role[]' => array(
      ->drupalPost('admin/settings/faq/ask', $edit, 'Save configuration');
    $edit = array();
    $checkboxname = 'expert_' . $this->faq_expert->uid . '_1';
    $edit[$checkboxname] = TRUE;

    // Creates something like: expert_7_1 where 7 is the uid of the expert and 1 is the first column
    $edit['faq_ask_default_expert'] = $this->faq_expert->uid;
      ->drupalPost('admin/settings/faq/ask', $edit, 'Save configuration');

    // Set answer_user as default expert.
    $roles = $this->faq_expert->roles;

    // Set to last role (the unique one)
    // Start all tests logged out.

   * Tear the whole thing down again
  function tearDown() {

    // Things to tidy up like vars and stuff

   * Generates a random string of ASCII numeric characters (values 48 to 57).
   * @param $length
   *   Length of random string to generate .
   * @return
   *   Randomly generated string.
  protected static function randomNumber($length = 8) {
    $str = '';
    for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
      $str .= chr(mt_rand(48, 57));
    return $str;

   * Verify that current user has no access to page.
   * @param $url
   *   URL to verify.
  function faqAskVerifyNoAccess($url) {

    // Test that page returns 403 Access Denied

   * Asserts the current url to the passed one
   * @param string $url
   *   The passed url to verify against
  function faqVerifyUrl($url, $msg) {
    $current_url = parse_url($this
    if (!isset($current_url['query']) || $current_url['query'] == '') {
        ->assertEqual($current_url['path'], $url, $msg);
    else {
      $query = substr($current_url['query'], 2);

      // Split off the q= part
        ->assertEqual($query, $url, $msg);
      ->pass('Current URL:<pre>' . print_r($current_url, TRUE) . '</pre>');

   * Set up the taxonomy - all vocabularies and stuff
   * Values also stored in protected variable $tax
  function faqAskSetupTaxonomy() {

    // Create vocabulary.
    $this->taxonomy = array();
    $this->taxonomy['name'] = $this

    // Create taxonomy vocabulary name
    $this->taxonomy['description'] = $this
    $this->taxonomy['nodes[faq]'] = '1';

    // Assign vocab to FAQ node types
    $this->taxonomy['tags'] = '1';

    // Users may create tags
    $this->taxonomy['multiple'] = '1';

    // may have more than one tag
    $this->taxonomy['required'] = '1';

    // but minimum 1 tag
      ->drupalPost('admin/content/taxonomy/add/vocabulary', $this->taxonomy, t('Save'));
      ->assertText(t('Created new vocabulary @name', array(
      '@name' => $this->taxonomy['name'],

    // Add term
    // Click the last occurrence of the link.
      ->clickLink(t('add terms'), substr_count($this
      ->drupalGetContent(), 'add terms') - 1);
      ->assertText(t('Add term to @name', array(
      '@name' => $this->taxonomy['name'],
    if (isset($url['query'])) {
      $url = parse_url($this
      if ($url['query'] == '') {
        $array = split('/', $url['path']);
        $this->taxonomy['id'] = $array[4];
      else {
        $array = split('/', $url['query']);
        $this->taxonomy['id'] = $array[3];
        ->pass(var_export($array, TRUE));
    $url = $this
    $this->term1 = array();
    $this->term1['name'] = 'term1-' . $this

    // Create taxonomy vocabulary name
    $this->term1['description'] = $this
      ->drupalPost($url, $this->term1, t('Save'));
      ->assertText(t('Created new term @name', array(
      '@name' => $this->term1['name'],
    $this->term2 = array();
    $this->term2['name'] = 'term2-' . $this

    // Create taxonomy vocabulary name
    $this->term2['description'] = $this
      ->drupalPost($url, $this->term2, t('Save'));
      ->assertText(t('Created new term @name', array(
      '@name' => $this->term2['name'],
  function faqAskPostUnansweredQuestions() {

    // Check logged in user with rights

    // Fill in the Create FAQ node 1 form and post it - This is without notification
    $this->faq1 = array();
    $this->faq1['title'] = $this
    $this->faq1['taxonomy[tags][1]'] = $this->term1['name'];

    // Add existing term
    $this->faq1['detailed_question'] = $this
    $this->faq1['faq_notify'] = FALSE;
      ->drupalPost('faq_ask', $this->faq1, t('Save'));

    // Preview first
    // Check that new FAQ node has actually been created
      ->assertText(t('FAQ @title has been created.', array(
      '@title' => $this->faq1['title'],

    // Fill in the Create FAQ node 2 form and post it - This is with notification
    $this->faq2 = array();
    $this->faq2['title'] = $this
    $this->faq2['taxonomy[tags][1]'] = $this

    // Add new term
    $this->faq2['detailed_question'] = $this
    $this->faq2['faq_notify'] = TRUE;
      ->drupalPost('faq_ask', $this->faq2, t('Save'));

    // Check that new FAQ node has actually been created
      ->assertText(t('FAQ @title has been created.', array(
      '@title' => $this->faq2['title'],

   * Local function to switch the Block containing unanswered questions On
  function turnUnansQestBlockOn() {
      ->drupalPost('admin/build/block/configure/faq_ask/0', array(
      'visibility' => '0',
    ), t('Save block'));
      ->drupalPost('admin/build/block/', array(
      'faq_ask_0[region]' => 'left',
    ), t('Save blocks'));

   * Local function to switch the Block containing unanswered questions Off
  function turnUnansQestBlockOff() {
      ->drupalPost('admin/build/block/configure/faq_ask/0', array(
      'visibility' => '0',
    ), t('Save block'));
      ->drupalPost('admin/build/block', array(
      'faq_ask_0[region]' => '-1',
    ), t('Save blocks'));

class FaqAskBlockTestClass extends faqAskTestCase {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('FAQ-Ask block'),
      'description' => t('Access to block by anonymous and logged in user with rights.'),
      'group' => t('FAQ-Ask'),
  function testQuestionForm() {

    // Entering this test with Taxonomy Tags set, user tagging and
    // Turn question block on

    // Set visibility to only listed pages?
      ->drupalPost('admin/build/block/configure/faq_ask/1', array(
      'visibility' => '1',
      'pages' => '&lt;front&gt;',
    ), t('Save block'));
      ->drupalPost('admin/build/block', array(
      'faq_ask_1[region]' => 'right',
    ), t('Save blocks'));
      ->assertNoText(t('Ask a Question'), t('The Ask a Question block is not visible for anonymous users'));
      ->assertText(t('Ask a Question'), t('Ask a Question page is available for anonymous users.'));

    // Verify the taxonomy field is visible
      ->assertText($this->taxonomy['name'], 'Taxonomy field visible');

    // Check unanswered block is empty
      ->assertNoText('You may edit your own questions until they are answered.', 'Unanswered list is not available yet');
    $this->faq1 = array();
    $this->faq1['title'] = $this
    $this->faq1['taxonomy[tags][1]'] = $this->term1['name'];

    // Add existing term
    $this->faq1['detailed_question'] = $this
    $this->faq1['faq_notify'] = TRUE;
      ->drupalPost('', $this->faq1, t('Save'));

    // Save question
    // Verify that we got the question saved
      ->assertText(t('FAQ @title has been created.', array(
      '@title' => $this->faq1['title'],

    // Verify unanswered block visible
      ->assertText('You may edit your own questions until they are answered.', 'Unanswered list is not available yet');

    // Make sure the unanswered question is still available on the unanswered block
      ->assertText($this->faq1['title'], 'Own question still visible in block.');

class FaqAskAccessTestClass extends FaqAskTestCase {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Access to FAQ-Ask pages'),
      'description' => t('Access to pages by anonymous user and logged in user with rights.'),
      'group' => t('FAQ-Ask'),
  function testFaqAskAccess() {

    // Verify that anonymous user has no access to the faq page

    // Verify that user without asker or expert permission does not have access to the list of unanswered questions

    // Returns 403 as it should
    // Create and login user
    $normal_user = $this

    // Verify that user without asker or expert permission does not have access to the list of unanswered questions

    // Returns 403 as it should
    // Verify that logged in user has no access to the faq page

    // Verify that view rights does not allow for asking questions

    // Verify that user without asker or expert permission does not have access to the list of unanswered questions

    // Returns 403 as it should
    // Verify that the faq page is visible and available but empty
      ->assertText(t('Frequently Asked Questions'), t('FAQ page is available for view faq page permissions.'));

    // Change rights for anonymous user - Enable asking a question
    $edit = array(
      '1[create faq]' => TRUE,
      '1[ask question]' => TRUE,
      ->drupalPost('admin/user/permissions', $edit, 'Save permissions');

    // Verify that the Answer field is not available for asker without permission

    // Anonymous user
    // Issue #1052772 by bk262: Removing "?ask=TRUE" from url let's user enter complete FAQ entry
      ->assertNoFieldByName('body', '', 'Answer field is not visible and contains default text.');
      ->assertText(t('Ask a Question'), t('Ask a Question page is available for users with asker permission.'));

    // Verify that the Answer field is not available for asker without permission
    // Issue #1052772 by bk262: Removing "?ask=TRUE" from url let's user enter complete FAQ entry
      ->assertNoFieldByName('body', '', 'Answer field is not visible and contains default text.');
      ->assertText(t('Ask a Question'), t('Ask a Question page is available for users with asker permission.'));

    // Verify expert access
      ->assertText(t('All Unanswered Questions'), t('Expert has access to empty list of unanswered questions'));

    // Load with a couple of questions
      ->assertLink($this->faq1['title'], $index = 0, 'Link to question 1 found');
      ->assertLink($this->faq2['title'], $index = 0, 'Link to question 2 found');

    // Verify access to the nodes by clicking on the titles
      ->assertResponse('200', 'Access to second question OK');
      ->assertText($this->faq2['title'], 'Second question title found');

    // Verify that the Answer field is available and contains the default text
      ->assertFieldByName('body', 'Not answered yet.', 'Answer field is visible and contains default text.');

class FaqAskCRUDTestClass extends FaqAskTestCase {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('CRUD FAQ-Ask pages'),
      'description' => t('Create Read Update and Delete checks by anonymous user and logged in user with rights.'),
      'group' => t('FAQ-Ask'),
  function testCreateFaqAskQuestion() {

    // Check anonymous creation of questions
    // Change rights for anonymous user - Enable asking a question
    $edit = array(
      '1[create faq]' => TRUE,
      '1[ask question]' => TRUE,
      ->drupalPost('admin/user/permissions', $edit, 'Save permissions');

    // Set up faq-ask
    // Done with admin user

    // Anonymous user have access
      ->assertText(t('Ask a Question'), t('Ask a Question page is available for anonymous users.'));
      ->assertNoFieldByName('body', $value = '', 'Body field (answer) is not visible in form.');

    // Verify preloaded term
      ->drupalGet('faq_ask/' . '1');

    // Load url with term 1
      ->assertFieldByName('taxonomy[tags][1]', $this->term1['name'], 'Term preloaded on question form.');

    // Fill in the Create FAQ node 1 form and post it
    $this->faq3 = array();
    $this->faq3['title'] = $this
    $this->faq3['taxonomy[tags][1]'] = $this->term1['name'];

    // Add existing term
    $this->faq3['detailed_question'] = $this
    $this->faq3['faq_email'] = $this
      ->randomName(8) . '@' . $this
      ->randomName(8) . '.com';
      ->drupalPost('faq_ask', $this->faq3, t('Preview'));

    // Preview first
    // Verify preview
      ->assertText('Not answered yet.', 'Not answered yet text shown.');
      ->assertLink($this->faq3['title'], $index = 0, 'Link to question found');

    // Verify field content is still available
      ->assertFieldByName('title', $this->faq3['title'], 'Title field content kept after preview.');
      ->assertFieldByName('taxonomy[tags][1]', $this->faq3['taxonomy[tags][1]'], 'Taxonomy term field content kept after preview.');
      ->assertFieldByName('detailed_question', $this->faq3['detailed_question'], 'Detailed question field content kept after preview.');
      ->assertFieldByName('faq_email', $this->faq3['faq_email'], 'E-mail field content kept after preview.');

    // Post and save the question
      ->drupalPost('faq_ask', $this->faq3, t('Save'));

    // Preview first
    // Check that new FAQ node has actually been created
      ->assertText(t('FAQ @title has been created.', array(
      '@title' => $this->faq3['title'],

    // Check logged in user with rights

    // Verify that the Ask a Question page is visible and available but empty
      ->assertText(t('Ask a Question'), t('Ask a Question page is available for view faq page permissions.'));

    // Fill in the Create FAQ node 2 form and post it
    $this->faq4 = array();
    $this->faq4['title'] = $this
    $this->faq4['taxonomy[tags][1]'] = $this

    // Add new term
    $this->faq4['detailed_question'] = $this
      ->drupalPost('faq_ask', $this->faq4, t('Save'));

    // Check that new FAQ node has actually been created
      ->assertText(t('FAQ @title has been created.', array(
      '@title' => $this->faq4['title'],

    // Verify usage of taxonomy - One to each expert
    // Verify that message is sent on cron run
    // $this->cronRun();    // Does not work with Simpletest 6.x
    $mails = $this
    foreach ($mails as $mail) {
        ->pass('<pre>' . print_r($mail, TRUE) . '</pre>');

  // Test if the user who posted the question can modify it
  function testEditOwnFaqAskQuestion() {

    // Check logged in user who created question faq4
    $this->faq4['faq_notify'] = TRUE;
      ->drupalPost('faq_ask', $this->faq4, t('Save'));

    // Verify own question on unanswered page
      ->assertText($this->faq4['title'], 'User can see own node on unanswered page.');

    // Can edit own question?
      ->assertFieldByName('title', $this->faq4['title'], 'Title field content kept in edit.');
      ->assertFieldByName('taxonomy[tags][1]', $this->faq4['taxonomy[tags][1]'], 'Taxonomy term field content kept in edit.');
      ->assertFieldByName('detailed_question', $this->faq4['detailed_question'], 'Detailed question field content kept in edit.');
    $url = $this
    $this->faq4['detailed_question'] = $this
      ->drupalPost($url, $this->faq4, t('Save'));
      ->assertText(t('FAQ @name has been updated.', array(
      '@name' => $this->faq4['title'],
    )), 'Modified question saved OK');

    // Go to edit page again
      ->assertFieldByName('detailed_question', $this->faq4['detailed_question'], 'Detailed question field content changed after edit.');
  function testVerifyExpertAccess() {

    // Add a new expert
    $new_expert = $this
      'view faq page',
      'edit faq',
      'access content',
      'answer question',

    //Change name and assign expert role to new expert user
      ->drupalGet('user/' . $new_expert->uid . '/edit');
    $edit = array(
      'roles[' . $this->expert_role . ']' => $this->expert_role,
      'pass[pass1]' => 'password',
      'pass[pass2]' => 'password',
      ->drupalPost('user/' . $new_expert->uid . '/edit', $edit, t('Save'));
      ->drupalGet('user/' . $new_expert->uid . '/edit');

    // Set up new expert on settings page for faq_ask
    $edit = array(
      'faq_ask_notify' => TRUE,
      'faq_ask_asker_notify' => TRUE,
      'faq_expert_role[]' => array(
      ->drupalPost('admin/settings/faq/ask', $edit, 'Save configuration');
    $edit['expert_' . $new_expert->uid . '_2'] = TRUE;

    // Add term 2 for new expert
    $edit['expert_1_2'] = '0';

    // Remove term 2 for admin (user1)
      ->drupalPost('admin/settings/faq/ask', $edit, 'Save configuration');

    // Post a new question

    // Fill in the Create FAQ node 1 form and post it
    $this->faq = array();
    $this->faq['title'] = $this
    $this->faq['taxonomy[tags][1]'] = $this->term2['name'];

    // Add existing term
    $this->faq['detailed_question'] = $this

    //$this->faq['faq_notify'] = TRUE;
      ->drupalPost('faq_ask', $this->faq, t('Save'));

    // Preview first
    // Check that new FAQ node has actually been created
      ->assertText(t('FAQ @title has been created.', array(
      '@title' => $this->faq['title'],

    // Verify that new expert can view the new question
      ->assertLink($this->faq['title'], $index = 0, t('Link to question @q found when logged in as user @u assigned to term @t', array(
      '@u' => $new_expert->name,
      '@q' => $this->faq['title'],
      '@t' => $this->term2['name'],
    $mails = $this
    foreach ($mails as $mail) {
        ->pass('<pre>' . print_r($mail, TRUE) . '</pre>');
    $mail = $mails['0'];
      ->assertEqual($mail['subject'], 'You have a question waiting on Drupal', 'Notification e-mail found.');
      ->assertMail("subject", "You have a question waiting on Drupal", 'The last message subject was "You have a question waiting on Drupal"');
      ->assertMail('to', $new_expert->mail, 'The last message was sent to the correct expert.');
  function testUncategorizedQuestion() {

    // Categorize questions but only expert can categorize
      ->drupalPost('admin/settings/faq/ask', array(
      'faq_ask_categorize' => '1',
    ), t('Save configuration'));

    // Post a new question

    // Fill in the Create FAQ node 1 form and post it
    $this->faq = array();
    $this->faq['title'] = $this
    $this->faq['detailed_question'] = $this
    $this->faq['faq_notify'] = TRUE;
      ->drupalPost('faq_ask', $this->faq, t('Save'));

    // Preview first
    // Check that new FAQ node has actually been created
      ->assertText(t('FAQ @title has been created.', array(
      '@title' => $this->faq['title'],
    $mails = $this
    foreach ($mails as $mail) {
        ->pass('<pre>' . print_r($mail, TRUE) . '</pre>');

   * Testing that the published state of the new question
   * is honoring the content type default
   * Feature request in issue #879150 by escoles:
   *   Change behavior regarding 'published' status to honor
   *   content type default
  function testUnpublishedQuestion() {

    // Update node type to default not published
    $options = array(
      'node_options[status]' => FALSE,
      ->drupalPost('admin/content/node-type/faq/edit', $options, t('Save content type'));

    // Switch off unanswered block

    // Post questions

    // Answer question by clicking link on unanswered page

    // Post an answer to the quextion
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(
      'body' => $this
    ), 'Save');

    // Verify that the question is not visible on the faq page

    // Verify that the question is published manually
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(), t('Save'));

    // Save the node again
    // Verify that the warning message appears
      ->assertText('This question is by default NOT published', 'Warning text appears');
      ->clickLink('click this link');

    // Verify that the question is now visible on the faq page



Namesort descending Description
FaqAskTestCase Base class that is extended by test cases.