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Functions in FAQ_Ask 6.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
faq_ask_access ./faq_ask.module Implementation of hook_access().
faq_ask_answer ./faq_ask.module This function is called when an expert selects a question to answer. It changes the status option to "published" then goes to the regular FAQ edit function. 1
faq_ask_a_question_blockform ./faq_ask.module Block "Ask a Question" form implementation This implements the form displayed in a block where the user may ask a question 1
faq_ask_block ./faq_ask.module Implementation of hook_block().
faq_ask_cron ./faq_ask.module Implementation of hook_cron().
faq_ask_edit ./faq_ask.module Get the edit question form. 1
faq_ask_form_alter ./faq_ask.module Implementation of hook_form_alter(). This is how we build the "ask question" form.
faq_ask_form_validate ./faq_ask.module Validation form for the FAQ Ask form Thanks to 1
faq_ask_help ./faq_ask.module Display help and module information
faq_ask_install ./faq_ask.install Implementation of hook_install().
faq_ask_list_more ./faq_ask.module This function lists all the unanswered questions the user is allowed to see. It is used by the "more..." link from the block, but can also be called independently. 1
faq_ask_mail ./faq_ask.module Implementation of hook_mail(). This function completes the email, allowing for placeholder substitution. @TODO: notify_asker. @TODO: define messages & subjects on settings page, with list of tokens. how to handle newlines?
faq_ask_menu ./faq_ask.module Implementation of hook_menu().
faq_ask_nodeapi ./faq_ask.module Implementation of hook_nodeapi().
faq_ask_notify_expert ./faq_ask.module Send an expert notification 1
faq_ask_page ./faq_ask.module Get the ask question form. 1
faq_ask_perm ./faq_ask.module Implementation of hook_perm(). Define the permissions this module uses
faq_ask_reassign ./faq_ask.module Reassign the node to the current user and display a message. 1
faq_ask_schema ./faq_ask.install Implementation of hook_schema(). 1
faq_ask_settings_form ./faq_ask.module Implementation of hook_form(). This form allows the users to select the expert roles and to which categories the users in those roles are assigned. Note, the expert/category table attempts to use the least horizontal space, so it can "flip"… 1
faq_ask_settings_form_submit ./faq_ask.module Implementation of hook_form_submit(). It saves the expert roles that were selected, then rebuilds the expert/category table.
faq_ask_submit ./faq_ask.module 1
faq_ask_taxonomy ./faq_ask.module Implementation of hook_taxonomy().
faq_ask_uninstall ./faq_ask.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
faq_ask_update_6100 ./faq_ask.install Implementation of hook_update_N().
faq_ask_update_6101 ./faq_ask.install
faq_ask_user_access_or ./faq_ask.module Determines whether the current user has one of the given permissions. 1
_faq_ask_advice_default ./faq_ask.module Special function to get the advice text default. 3
_faq_ask_delete_expert ./faq_ask.module Helper function to delete experts. @param. $tid - the taxonomy term id for the experts. 1
_faq_ask_delete_faq_notification ./faq_ask.module Delete the notification belonging to a node 4
_faq_ask_delete_vocabulary ./faq_ask.module Helper function to delete a vocabulary. @param. $vid - the taxonomy vocabulary id. $edit - the array provided in hook_taxonomy. $my_vocs - the array of faq_ask vocabularies. 1
_faq_ask_get_faq_notifications ./faq_ask.module Helper function fetching all notifications 1
_faq_ask_get_faq_notification_email ./faq_ask.module Helper function to fetch an email for notification assigned to an faq node 3
_faq_ask_get_token ./faq_ask.module Identical to drupal_get_token() but without the session variable and the salt 4
_faq_ask_help_default ./faq_ask.module Special function to get the help text default. 2
_faq_ask_list_unanswered ./faq_ask.module This is the code to select the Unanswered Questions for the block. It is also used by the "unanswered" page by setting a very high limit. 2
_faq_ask_set_faq_notification ./faq_ask.module Set a notification with an e-mail address attached to a node 1
_faq_ask_valid_token ./faq_ask.module 1

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