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function FaqAskCRUDTestClass::testCreateFaqAskQuestion in FAQ_Ask 6.2


./faq_ask.test, line 413
Test FAQ functionality Base test class. All tests inherits this one. Hugely based on code from the test file block.test by boombatower




function testCreateFaqAskQuestion() {

  // Check anonymous creation of questions
  // Change rights for anonymous user - Enable asking a question
  $edit = array(
    '1[create faq]' => TRUE,
    '1[ask question]' => TRUE,
    ->drupalPost('admin/user/permissions', $edit, 'Save permissions');

  // Set up faq-ask
  // Done with admin user

  // Anonymous user have access
    ->assertText(t('Ask a Question'), t('Ask a Question page is available for anonymous users.'));
    ->assertNoFieldByName('body', $value = '', 'Body field (answer) is not visible in form.');

  // Verify preloaded term
    ->drupalGet('faq_ask/' . '1');

  // Load url with term 1
    ->assertFieldByName('taxonomy[tags][1]', $this->term1['name'], 'Term preloaded on question form.');

  // Fill in the Create FAQ node 1 form and post it
  $this->faq3 = array();
  $this->faq3['title'] = $this
  $this->faq3['taxonomy[tags][1]'] = $this->term1['name'];

  // Add existing term
  $this->faq3['detailed_question'] = $this
  $this->faq3['faq_email'] = $this
    ->randomName(8) . '@' . $this
    ->randomName(8) . '.com';
    ->drupalPost('faq_ask', $this->faq3, t('Preview'));

  // Preview first
  // Verify preview
    ->assertText('Not answered yet.', 'Not answered yet text shown.');
    ->assertLink($this->faq3['title'], $index = 0, 'Link to question found');

  // Verify field content is still available
    ->assertFieldByName('title', $this->faq3['title'], 'Title field content kept after preview.');
    ->assertFieldByName('taxonomy[tags][1]', $this->faq3['taxonomy[tags][1]'], 'Taxonomy term field content kept after preview.');
    ->assertFieldByName('detailed_question', $this->faq3['detailed_question'], 'Detailed question field content kept after preview.');
    ->assertFieldByName('faq_email', $this->faq3['faq_email'], 'E-mail field content kept after preview.');

  // Post and save the question
    ->drupalPost('faq_ask', $this->faq3, t('Save'));

  // Preview first
  // Check that new FAQ node has actually been created
    ->assertText(t('FAQ @title has been created.', array(
    '@title' => $this->faq3['title'],

  // Check logged in user with rights

  // Verify that the Ask a Question page is visible and available but empty
    ->assertText(t('Ask a Question'), t('Ask a Question page is available for view faq page permissions.'));

  // Fill in the Create FAQ node 2 form and post it
  $this->faq4 = array();
  $this->faq4['title'] = $this
  $this->faq4['taxonomy[tags][1]'] = $this

  // Add new term
  $this->faq4['detailed_question'] = $this
    ->drupalPost('faq_ask', $this->faq4, t('Save'));

  // Check that new FAQ node has actually been created
    ->assertText(t('FAQ @title has been created.', array(
    '@title' => $this->faq4['title'],

  // Verify usage of taxonomy - One to each expert
  // Verify that message is sent on cron run
  // $this->cronRun();    // Does not work with Simpletest 6.x
  $mails = $this
  foreach ($mails as $mail) {
      ->pass('<pre>' . print_r($mail, TRUE) . '</pre>');