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function FaqAskAccessTestClass::testFaqAskAccess in FAQ_Ask 6.2


./faq_ask.test, line 315
Test FAQ functionality Base test class. All tests inherits this one. Hugely based on code from the test file block.test by boombatower




function testFaqAskAccess() {

  // Verify that anonymous user has no access to the faq page

  // Verify that user without asker or expert permission does not have access to the list of unanswered questions

  // Returns 403 as it should
  // Create and login user
  $normal_user = $this

  // Verify that user without asker or expert permission does not have access to the list of unanswered questions

  // Returns 403 as it should
  // Verify that logged in user has no access to the faq page

  // Verify that view rights does not allow for asking questions

  // Verify that user without asker or expert permission does not have access to the list of unanswered questions

  // Returns 403 as it should
  // Verify that the faq page is visible and available but empty
    ->assertText(t('Frequently Asked Questions'), t('FAQ page is available for view faq page permissions.'));

  // Change rights for anonymous user - Enable asking a question
  $edit = array(
    '1[create faq]' => TRUE,
    '1[ask question]' => TRUE,
    ->drupalPost('admin/user/permissions', $edit, 'Save permissions');

  // Verify that the Answer field is not available for asker without permission

  // Anonymous user
  // Issue #1052772 by bk262: Removing "?ask=TRUE" from url let's user enter complete FAQ entry
    ->assertNoFieldByName('body', '', 'Answer field is not visible and contains default text.');
    ->assertText(t('Ask a Question'), t('Ask a Question page is available for users with asker permission.'));

  // Verify that the Answer field is not available for asker without permission
  // Issue #1052772 by bk262: Removing "?ask=TRUE" from url let's user enter complete FAQ entry
    ->assertNoFieldByName('body', '', 'Answer field is not visible and contains default text.');
    ->assertText(t('Ask a Question'), t('Ask a Question page is available for users with asker permission.'));

  // Verify expert access
    ->assertText(t('All Unanswered Questions'), t('Expert has access to empty list of unanswered questions'));

  // Load with a couple of questions
    ->assertLink($this->faq1['title'], $index = 0, 'Link to question 1 found');
    ->assertLink($this->faq2['title'], $index = 0, 'Link to question 2 found');

  // Verify access to the nodes by clicking on the titles
    ->assertResponse('200', 'Access to second question OK');
    ->assertText($this->faq2['title'], 'Second question title found');

  // Verify that the Answer field is available and contains the default text
    ->assertFieldByName('body', 'Not answered yet.', 'Answer field is visible and contains default text.');