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function faq_ask_help in FAQ_Ask 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 faq_ask.module \faq_ask_help()
  2. 6 faq_ask.module \faq_ask_help()
  3. 7 faq_ask.module \faq_ask_help()

Implements hook_help().


./faq_ask.module, line 23
This module is an add-on to FAQ module, allows users to 'ask question'.


function faq_ask_help($route_name, RouteMatchInterface $route_match) {
  $output = '';
  switch ($route_name) {
    case '':
      $output .= '<p>' . t("This module is an add-on to the FAQ module that allows users with the 'ask question' permission to create a question which will be queued for an 'expert' to answer.") . '</p>' . '<p>' . t("The module shows an abbreviated version of the FAQ form without an answer field. The node is created without the 'published' attribute. There is a block that will show the unanswered questions to the 'expert' (generally, this requires a separate role).") . '</p>' . '<p>' . t("Viewing of the completed question and answer pair is done by the FAQ module.") . '</p>' . '<p>' . t("Simply adding the 'FAQ' content type to a vocabulary will not make it eligible for experts; you must go to the settings page and add it there.") . '</p>';
      return $output;