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faq_ask.module in FAQ_Ask 8

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  1. 6.2 faq_ask.module
  2. 6 faq_ask.module
  3. 7 faq_ask.module

This module is an add-on to FAQ module, allows users to 'ask question'.

Permission to create questions, will be queued for an 'expert' to answer.


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 * @file
 * This module is an add-on to FAQ module, allows users to 'ask question'.
 * Permission to create questions, will be queued for an 'expert' to answer.
use Drupal\Component\Render\FormattableMarkup;
use Drupal\Component\Utility\Html;
use Drupal\Component\Utility\SafeMarkup;
use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteMatchInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Url;
use Drupal\faq_ask\Utility;
use Drupal\node\NodeInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse;

 * Implements hook_help().
function faq_ask_help($route_name, RouteMatchInterface $route_match) {
  $output = '';
  switch ($route_name) {
    case '':
      $output .= '<p>' . t("This module is an add-on to the FAQ module that allows users with the 'ask question' permission to create a question which will be queued for an 'expert' to answer.") . '</p>' . '<p>' . t("The module shows an abbreviated version of the FAQ form without an answer field. The node is created without the 'published' attribute. There is a block that will show the unanswered questions to the 'expert' (generally, this requires a separate role).") . '</p>' . '<p>' . t("Viewing of the completed question and answer pair is done by the FAQ module.") . '</p>' . '<p>' . t("Simply adding the 'FAQ' content type to a vocabulary will not make it eligible for experts; you must go to the settings page and add it there.") . '</p>';
      return $output;

 * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
 * This is how we build the "ask question" form.
 * @TODO: Make sure this is called after the taxonomy is added, so that we may delete or modify the taxonomy part of the form if we want to.
function faq_ask_form_node_faq_form_alter(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
  $user = \Drupal::currentUser();

  // Issue #1280446 by deck7uk.
  // If this form is reached, user can ask question but should not answer.
  if ($user
    ->hasPermission('ask question') && !$user
    ->hasPermission('answer question')) {

    // Make sure the ask query is set.
    $_GET['ask'] = 1;
  if (!isset($_GET['ask']) || $_GET['ask'] != 1 && $_GET['ask'] != 'TRUE') {

    // Do not modify form if ask query is not set.
  $language = \Drupal::languageManager()
  if (!$user
    ->hasPermission('view own unpublished content') || $user
    ->id() == 0) {
  $form['#title'] = t('Ask a Question');

  // Set the published field off and make sure they can't override it.
  $form['options']['status']['#default_value'] = FALSE;
  $form['options']['status']['#disabled'] = TRUE;
  $faq_ask_settings = \Drupal::config('faq_ask.settings');

  // Add default text to body field.
  $form['body']['#default_value'] = $faq_ask_settings

  // Hide the body elements (we'll dummy one later) and the menu elements.
  $form['additional_settings']['#access'] = FALSE;
  $form['upload']['#access'] = FALSE;

  // Check if only experts can categorize the question.
  if ($faq_ask_settings
    ->get('categorize')) {

    // Hide all taxonomy fields.
    $fields = \Drupal::entityManager()
      ->getFieldDefinitions('node', 'faq');
    foreach ($fields as $name => $properties) {
      if (!empty($properties
        ->getTargetBundle())) {
        $fieldSettings = $properties
        if (array_key_exists('handler', $fieldSettings)) {
          if ($fieldSettings['handler'] == 'default:taxonomy_term' && isset($form[$name])) {

            // Hide form if it is a taxonomy field.

            // If hidden, then do not expect it to be required.
            $form[$name][$language]['#required'] = FALSE;

  // If we're supposed to notify asker on answer, add form item for this.
  if ($faq_ask_settings
    ->get('notify_asker')) {

    // If asker is anonymous, add an optional e-mail field.
    if ($user
      ->id() == 0) {

      // Form field for e-mail.
      $form['faq_email'] = array(
        '#type' => 'textfield',
        '#title' => t('Notification E-mail (optional)'),
        '#default_value' => '',
        '#weight' => 10,
        '#description' => t('Write your e-mail here if you would like to be notified when the question is answered.'),
    else {

      // Checkbox for notification.
      $form['notify_mail'] = array(
        '#type' => 'checkbox',
        '#title' => t('Notify by E-mail (optional)'),
        '#default_value' => FALSE,
        '#weight' => 10,
        '#description' => t('Check this box if you would like to be notified when the question is answered.'),

  // Add validation of the e-mail field.
  if (!isset($form['#validate'])) {
    $form['#validate'] = array();
  $form['#validate'][] = 'faq_ask_form_validate';

  // Make sure we know we came from here.
  $form['faq_ask'] = array(
    '#type' => 'value',
    '#value' => TRUE,
  $form['actions']['submit']['#submit'][] = 'faq_ask_submit';

  // Handle special cases if this is a block form.
  if (isset($_GET['block'])) {
    if ($_GET['block']) {

      // Shorter description on Qestion field + move it higher.
      $form['title']['#description'] = t('Question to be answered.');
      $form['title']['#weight'] = '-5';

      // Make sure it is not set to 60 as default.
      $form['title']['#size'] = '';

      // Shorter description on detailed question field.
      $form['detailed_question']['#description'] = t('Longer question text.');

      // Make sure it is not set to 60 as default.
      $form['detailed_question']['#size'] = '';

      // Make sure the category field does not expand too wide.
      $fields = \Drupal::entityManager()
        ->getFieldDefinitions('node', 'faq');
      foreach ($fields as $name => $properties) {
        if ($properties['display']['default']['module'] != 'taxonomy' && isset($form[$name]) && $properties['field_name'] == 'field_tags') {
          $form[$name][$form[$name]['#language']]['#cols'] = '';
          $form[$name][$form[$name]['#language']]['#size'] = '';

      // Email field.
      if (isset($form['faq_email'])) {

        // Make sure it is not set to 60 as default.
        $form['faq_email']['#size'] = '';

 * Validation form for the FAQ Ask form.
 * Verifies that the e-mail entered seems to be a valid e-mail.
function faq_ask_form_validate($form, FormStateInterface &$form_state) {
  $email = $form_state
  if (isset($email) && 2 < strlen($email)) {
    if (!valid_email_address($email)) {
        ->setErrorByName('email', t('That is not a valid e-mail address.'));

 * Implements hook_node_update().
 * Checks if the node being updated is a question that has been answered.
function faq_ask_node_update($node) {
  if ($node
    ->getType() == 'faq') {
    $nid = $node
    $faq_ask_settings = \Drupal::config('faq_ask.settings');

    // Update faq_ask_term_index on removing nid/tid pairs on node published.
    if ($node
      ->get('status')->value == 1 || !empty($node->body->value)) {
      $delete_query = \Drupal::database()
        ->condition('nid', $nid)

    // Return if the asker notification should be done by cron.
    if ($faq_ask_settings
      ->get('notify_by_cron')) {
    $node_title = $node

    // Check if the node is published and asker notified.
    $email = Utility::faqAskGetFaqNotificationEmail($nid);
    if ($node
      ->get('status')->value == 1 && $email != '') {

      // Get the asker account.
      $account = user_load_by_mail($email);
      $params['question'] = $node_title;
      $params['nid'] = $nid;

      // Send the e-mail to the asker. Drupal calls hook_mail() via this.
      $mail_sent = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.mail')
        ->mail('faq_ask', 'notify_asker', $email, $account
        ->getPreferredLangcode(), $params, NULL, TRUE);

      // Handle sending result.
      if ($mail_sent) {
          ->notice("Asker notification email sent to @to for question @quest", array(
          '@to' => $email,
          '@quest' => SafeMarkup::checkPlain($node_title),

        // If email sent, remove the notification from the queue.
      else {
          ->error('Asker notification email to @to failed for the "@quest" question.', array(
          '@to' => $email,
          '@quest' => SafeMarkup::checkPlain($node_title),
        drupal_set_message(t('Asker notification email to @to failed for the "@quest" question.', array(
          '@to' => $email,
          '@quest' => SafeMarkup::checkPlain($node_title),

 * Implements hook_node_insert().
 * Handles the creation of a question node after the node is created. This
 * ensures that the node ID is available, needed for sending e-mail
 * notifications.
function faq_ask_node_insert($node) {
  $faq_ask_settings = \Drupal::config('faq_ask.settings');
  $user = \Drupal::currentUser();

  // Handle only faq node types.
  if ($node
    ->getType() == 'faq') {
    $terms = Utility::faqAskGetTerms($node);

    // Update the faq_ask_term_index table if node is unpublished.
    if (empty($node->body->value) && (!$user
      ->hasPermission('answer question') && $user
      ->hasPermission('ask question'))) {
        ->condition('nid', $node
      foreach ($terms as $tid => $term) {

        // If term is available.
        if ($tid) {
            'nid' => intval($node
            'tid' => $tid,
            'sticky' => intval($node
            'created' => intval($node

    // Are we notifying the expert(s).
    if ($faq_ask_settings
      ->get('notify')) {

      // Use only the first term entered in the correct vocabulary.
      $term = taxonomy_term_load(array_shift(array_keys($terms)));

      // Find out who the experts are.
      $query = \Drupal::database()
        ->select('faq_expert', 'fe')
        ->fields('fe', [
        ->condition('fe.tid', array_keys($terms), 'IN');
      $experts = $query
      foreach ($experts as $expert => $expertData) {
        $account = user_load($expert);
        $params = array(
          'category' => is_object($term) ? $term
            ->id() : -1,
          'question' => $node
          'question_details' => $node
          'nid' => $node
          'creator' => $account
          'account' => $account,
        $mail_sent = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.mail')
          ->mail('faq_ask', 'notify_expert', $account
          ->get('mail')->value, $account
          ->getPreferredLangcode(), $params, NULL, TRUE);
        if ($mail_sent) {
            ->notice('Expert notification email sent to @to', array(
            '@to' => $account
        else {
            ->error('Expert notification email to @to failed for the "@cat" category.', array(
            '@to' => $account
            '@cat' => SafeMarkup::checkPlain($term
          drupal_set_message(t('Expert notification email failed for the "@cat" category.', array(
            '@cat' => SafeMarkup::checkPlain($term

 * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
 * This is how we build the "ask question" form.
 * @TODO: Make sure this is called after the taxonomy is added, so that we may delete or modify the taxonomy part of the form if we want to.
function faq_ask_form_node_faq_edit_form_alter(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
  $node = \Drupal::routeMatch()
  $user = \Drupal::currentUser();
  if ($user
    ->hasPermission('answer question')) {
    $form['body']['widget'][0]['#required'] = TRUE;
    $form['actions']['submit']['#submit'][] = 'faq_ask_edit_submit';
  elseif ($user
    ->hasPermission('ask question') && !$user
    ->hasPermission('answer question')) {
    if (!$node->status->value) {

      // Hide the body elements (we'll dummy one later) and the menu elements.
      $form['actions']['submit']['#submit'][] = 'faq_ask_submit';
    elseif ($node->status->value) {
      drupal_set_message(t('Content is published, So you can not edit.'), 'warning');
      $response = new RedirectResponse(URL::fromUserInput('/node/' . $node

 * Custom submit handler for faq node edit.
function faq_ask_edit_submit($form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
  $node_id = $form_state
  $node = node_load($node_id);
  if (is_object($node->body) && empty($node->body->value)) {
      ->set("status", 1);

 * Handles the ask form submission.
function faq_ask_submit($form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
  $user = \Drupal::currentUser();
  if ($user
    ->hasPermission('ask question') && !$user
    ->hasPermission('answer question')) {
    $node_id = $form_state
    $node = node_load($node_id);
    if (is_object($node)) {
      $node->status->value = 0;

  // Issue #1554912 by jlea9378: Access Denied for Anonymous.
  if (!$user
    ->hasPermission('view own unpublished content') || $user
    ->id() == 0) {

    // Redirect to faq-page if the user is not allowed to view content.
  $faq_email = $form_state
  $faq_notify = $form_state

  // Save this is the node to be created.
  $asker_email = isset($faq_email) ? $faq_email : FALSE;

  // Handle the notification of asker.
  if (isset($asker_email) && $asker_email) {

    // If this user is not registered as a user before - check if all asking
    // anonymous users should be added to the newsletter list.
    if (\Drupal::moduleHandler()
      ->moduleExists('simplenews') && ($tid = $faq_ask_settings
      ->get('notify_asker_simplenews_tid'))) {

      // If we have selected a newsletter to add.
      if (function_exists('simplenews_subscribe_user')) {
        simplenews_subscribe_user($asker_email, $tid, $faq_ask_settings
          ->get('notify_asker_simplenews_confirm'), 'FAQ-Ask');
  elseif (isset($faq_notify) && $faq_notify) {
    $account = user_load($user
    $asker_email = $account
  else {
    drupal_set_message(t('Your question has been submitted. It will appear in the FAQ listing as soon as it has been answered.'), 'status');
  if ($asker_email) {
      ->get('nid')->value, $asker_email);
    drupal_set_message(t('Your question has been submitted. An e-mail will be sent to <i>@mail</i> when answered.', array(
      '@mail' => $asker_email,
    )), 'status');

  // Handle the notification of asker.

 * Handle deletion of questions.
 * Removes any pending answer notifications and
 * term mappings for unpublished questions.
function faq_ask_node_delete($node) {
  if ($node
    ->getType() == 'faq') {

    // Remove notifications.
      ->condition('nid', $node

    // Remove term/nid pairs.
      ->condition('nid', $node

 * Implements hook_theme().
function faq_ask_theme() {
  return array(
    'faq_ask_unanswered' => array(
      'template' => 'faq-ask-unanswered',
      'variables' => array(
        'data' => '',
        'term' => '',
        'class' => '',
        'mode' => '',
    'faq_ask_unanswered_block' => array(
      'template' => 'faq-ask-unanswered-block',
      'variables' => array(
        'data' => '',
        'more_link' => '',
        'mode' => '',

 * Create a categorized list of nodes that are not answered.
function template_preprocess_faq_ask_unanswered(&$variables) {
  return Utility::faqAskUnansweredBuild($variables);

 * Implements hook_node_access().
function faq_ask_node_access(NodeInterface $node, $op, $account) {

  // Ignore non-FAQ node.
  if ($node
    ->getType() != 'faq') {
    return NULL;
  if ($node->status->value == 1) {
    return NULL;
  if ($op == 'view') {
    if ($node->status->value == 0 && \Drupal::currentUser()
      ->hasPermission('ask question')) {
      return NULL;
    else {
      return NULL;
  if ($op == 'delete') {
    if ($node->status->value == 0 && \Drupal::currentUser()
      ->hasPermission('ask question')) {
      return NULL;
    else {
      return NULL;
  if ($op == 'create') {
    return \Drupal::currentUser()
      ->hasPermission('ask question') || \Drupal::currentUser()
      ->hasPermission('answer question');
  if ($op == 'update') {
    if ($node->status->value == 0 && \Drupal::currentUser()
      ->hasPermission('ask question')) {
      return NULL;
    else {
      return \Drupal::currentUser()
        ->hasPermission('ask question') || \Drupal::currentUser()
        ->hasPermission('answer question');

 * Create list of unanswered questions for display in block.
function template_preprocess_faq_ask_unanswered_block(&$variables) {
  return Utility::faqAskUnansweredBlockBuild($variables);

 * Implements hook_mail().
 * This function completes the email, allowing for placeholder substitution.
 * @TODO: define messages & subjects on settings page, with list of tokens.
function faq_ask_mail($key, &$message, $params) {
  if ($key == 'notify_asker' || $key == 'notify_expert') {
    $body = array();

    // Initiate text variables.
    $variables = array(
      '@question' => $params['question'],
      '@question_details' => isset($params['question_details']) ? strip_tags($params['question_details']) : '',
      '@site-name' => \Drupal::config('')

    // Find category name.
    if (isset($params['category']) && $params['category']) {
      $term = '';
      if (is_array($params['category'])) {
        $term = taxonomy_term_load(array_shift($params['category']));
      else {
        $term = taxonomy_term_load($params['category']);
      if (is_object($term)) {
        $variables['!cat'] = $term->name;
      else {
        $params['category'] = -1;
    else {
      $params['category'] = -1;

    // Handle user names.
    if (!isset($variables['!username']) || $variables['!username'] == '') {
      if (isset($params['account']) && is_object($params['account'])) {
        $variables['!username'] = $params['account']
      else {
        $variables['!username'] = 'user';
    switch ($key) {
      case 'notify_expert':
        $url_options = array(
          'options' => array(
            'absolute' => TRUE,
          'query' => array(
            'token' => Utility::faqAskGetToken('faq_ask/answer/' . $params['nid']),
        $variables = array_merge($variables, array(
          '!answer_uri' => Url::fromUserInput('/faq_ask/answer/' . $params['nid'], $url_options)
          '!asker' => $params['creator'],
          '!login_uri' => Url::fromUserInput('/user')
        $subject = Html::escape(new FormattableMarkup('You have a question waiting on @site-name', $variables));
        $body[] = Html::escape(new FormattableMarkup('Dear !username,<br/>', $variables));
        if ($params['category'] == -1) {
          $body[] = Html::escape(new FormattableMarkup('The following question has been posted.<br/>', array()));
        else {
          $body[] = Html::escape(new FormattableMarkup('The following question has been posted in the "!cat" category by !asker.<br/>', $variables));
        $body[] = Html::escape(new FormattableMarkup('<strong><i>@question</i></strong>', $variables));
        if ($variables['@question_details']) {
          $body[] = Html::escape(new FormattableMarkup('<p><i>@question_details</i></p><br/>', $variables));
        $body[] = Html::escape(new FormattableMarkup('In order to answer it you will first need to <a href="!login_uri">login</a> to the site.<br/>', $variables));
        $body[] = Html::escape(new FormattableMarkup('Once logged in, you may proceed <a href="!answer_uri">directly to the question</a> to answer it.<br/>', $variables));
        $body[] = Html::escape(new FormattableMarkup('By clicking on the above question link you will be redirected to the login form if you are currently logged out.<br/>', $variables));
      case 'notify_asker':
        $url_options = array(
          'absolute' => TRUE,
        $variables = array_merge($variables, array(
          '!question_uri' => Url::fromUserInput('/node/' . $params['nid'])
        $subject = Html::escape(new FormattableMarkup('A question you asked has been answered on @site-name<br/>', $variables));
        $body[] = Html::escape(new FormattableMarkup('Dear !username,<br/>', $variables));
        $body[] = Html::escape(new FormattableMarkup('The question: "@question" you asked on @site-name has been answered.<br/>', $variables));
        $body[] = Html::escape(new FormattableMarkup('To view the answer, please visit the question you created on !question_uri.<br/>', $variables));
        $body[] = Html::escape(new FormattableMarkup('Thank you for visiting.<br/>', $variables));
    $message['headers']['Content-Type'] = 'text/html; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed; delsp=yes';
    $message['body'] = $body;
    $message['subject'] = $subject;


Namesort descending Description
faq_ask_edit_submit Custom submit handler for faq node edit.
faq_ask_form_node_faq_edit_form_alter Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
faq_ask_form_node_faq_form_alter Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
faq_ask_form_validate Validation form for the FAQ Ask form.
faq_ask_help Implements hook_help().
faq_ask_mail Implements hook_mail().
faq_ask_node_access Implements hook_node_access().
faq_ask_node_delete Handle deletion of questions.
faq_ask_node_insert Implements hook_node_insert().
faq_ask_node_update Implements hook_node_update().
faq_ask_submit Handles the ask form submission.
faq_ask_theme Implements hook_theme().
template_preprocess_faq_ask_unanswered Create a categorized list of nodes that are not answered.
template_preprocess_faq_ask_unanswered_block Create list of unanswered questions for display in block.