function facetapi_facet_load in Facet API 7
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 6.3 facetapi.module \facetapi_facet_load()
- 6 facetapi.module \facetapi_facet_load()
- 7.2 facetapi.module \facetapi_facet_load()
Returns a facet definition.
string $facet_name: The machine readable name of the facet.
string $searcher: The machine readable name of the searcher.
Return value
array An array containing the facet definition, FALSE if the facet is invalid.
- name: Machine readable name of the facet.
- label: Human readable name of the facet displayed in settings forms.
- description: Description of the facet displayed in settings forms.
- field: The field name used by the backend to store and retrieve data from the search index it is associated with.
- field alias: The query string variable inside of the filter key used to pass the filter information through the query string.
- field api name: The machine readable name of the Field API field data the facet is associated with, FALSE if it is not associated with a field.
- field api bundles: An array of entity names that this field contains bundle information for.
- query types: The query type plugins that that this facet supports. For example, numeric fields support "term" and "range_filter" queries.
- alter callbacks: Callbacks that alter the initialized render array returned by the query type plugin. Defaults to an empty array.
- dependency plugins: An array of dependency plugin IDs that are supported by this facet.
- default widget: The widget plugin ID used if no plugin has been selected or the one selected is not valid.
- allowed operators: An array keyed by operator constant to boolean values specifying whether the operator is supported.
- facet missing allowed: Whether or not missing facets are allowed.
- facet mincount allowed: Whether or not the facet supports the "minimum facet count" setting.
- weight: The weight of the facet
- map callback: The callback used to map the raw values returned by the index to something human readable.
- map options: An array of options passed to the map callback.
- hierarchy callback: A callback that maps the parent / child relationships of the facet data, defaults to FALSE meaning the list is flat.
- values callback: In instances where facet data is not returned by the backend, provide a list of values that can be used.
- min callback: For facets containing ranges, a callback returning the minimum value in the index.
- max callback: For facets containing ranges, a callback returning the maximum value in the index.
- default sorts: An array of available sorts. Each item is an array containing two values, the first being the item being filtered on, the second being the SORT_* constant.
10 calls to facetapi_facet_load()
- CurrentSearchGroup::execute in contrib/
current_search/ plugins/ current_search/ - Implements CurrentSearchItem::execute().
- FacetapiApiFunctions::testHierarchicalRequirements in tests/
facetapi.test - Tests the requirements system for hierarchies.
- FacetapiApiFunctions::testUrlProcessorDataProcessing in tests/
facetapi.test - Test active item processing via the url processor plugin.
- FacetapiTestCase::facetapiLoadObjects in tests/
facetapi.test - Returns adapter, realm, and facet objects and base admin path.
- facetapi_dependencies_load in ./
facetapi.module - Loads the dependency plugins associated with the facet.
- ./
facetapi.module, line 525 - An abstracted facet API that can be used by various search backends.
function facetapi_facet_load($facet_name, $searcher) {
$facet_info = facetapi_get_facet_info($searcher);
return isset($facet_info[$facet_name]) ? $facet_info[$facet_name] : FALSE;