10 calls to facetapi_facet_load() in Facet API 7
- CurrentSearchGroup::execute in contrib/
current_search/ plugins/ current_search/ item_group.inc - Implements CurrentSearchItem::execute().
- FacetapiApiFunctions::testHierarchicalRequirements in tests/
facetapi.test - Tests the requirements system for hierarchies.
- FacetapiApiFunctions::testUrlProcessorDataProcessing in tests/
facetapi.test - Test active item processing via the url processor plugin.
- FacetapiTestCase::facetapiLoadObjects in tests/
facetapi.test - Returns adapter, realm, and facet objects and base admin path.
- facetapi_dependencies_load in ./
facetapi.module - Loads the dependency plugins associated with the facet.
- facetapi_facet_dependencies_form in ./
facetapi.admin.inc - Form constructor for the facet dependency settings form.
- facetapi_filters_load in ./
facetapi.module - Returns array of filter options available to the facet.
- facetapi_get_block_info in ./
facetapi.block.inc - Helper function to get block info for all block-like realms.
- facetapi_set_facet_status in ./
facetapi.module - Enables or disables a facet for this page load only.
- facetapi_tokens in ./
facetapi.tokens.inc - Implements hook_tokens().