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esi_panels.module in ESI: Edge Side Includes 7.3

ESI handler for panel panes.

Architectural philosophy:

  • Assuming the "standard" panel renderer is used:

  • The "esi" display-renderer (a render pipeline) is used to override the "standard" renderer, and replace the panes in between render_panes() and render_regions().
  • The "panel_context" task handler is altered, replacing the standard save() implementation with a custom handler, which checks for ESI panes, and overrides the render pipeline if necessary.
  • The rendered-pane of an ESI pane is replaced with a plain ESI tag; no theme furniture is provided around the tag. The ESI callback provides any necessary theme furniture.
  • It's possible for themes to provide custom region-renderers, which are aware of the contents of individual panes, and overrides them. This functionality is not supported with ESI: panes *must* be capable of independent rendering.
  • Cacheing controls and contexts are dictated by:
    • Block configuration (in the case of panes which are implementations of a standard Drupal block).
    • Context (where the ctools content_type declares a context as required or optional, and the panel has provided the context to the pane).
    • Pane visibility (where access to panes is controlled by roles or permissions).
    • User-defined overrides in the ESI cacheing configuration.


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 * @file
 * ESI handler for panel panes.
 * Architectural philosophy:
 * - Assuming the "standard" panel renderer is used:
 *   - panels_renderer_standard::render_pane() takes rendered content generated
 *     by panels_renderer_standard::render_pane_content() and adds panel
 *     styles, controls pane-titles, etc.
 *   - panels_renderer_standard::render_pane_content() is where the ctools
 *     content-type renderer is invoked. This is also where panels checks for
 *     cached content, before invoking the ctools renderer if it's absent.
 *     After the content is rendered, hook_panels_pane_content_alter() is
 *     called, followed by $cache->set_cache().
 *   - panels_renderer_standard::render_layout() invokes render_panes() and
 *     render_regions() immediately afterwards.  The ideal place to substitute
 *     an ESI tag is between these two calls.
 *   - render_pane() must be invoked on the original pane, if features such as
 *     title-bubbling (where a pane title is promoted to be the title of the
 *     panel) are to succeed.
 * - The "esi" display-renderer (a render pipeline) is used to override the
 *   "standard" renderer, and replace the panes in between render_panes() and
 *   render_regions().
 * - The "panel_context" task handler is altered, replacing the standard save()
 *   implementation with a custom handler, which checks for ESI panes, and
 *   overrides the render pipeline if necessary.
 * - The rendered-pane of an ESI pane is replaced with a plain ESI tag; no
 *   theme furniture is provided around the tag. The ESI callback provides any
 *   necessary theme furniture.
 * - It's possible for themes to provide custom region-renderers, which are
 *   aware of the contents of individual panes, and overrides them. This
 *   functionality is not supported with ESI: panes *must* be capable of
 *   independent rendering.
 * - Cacheing controls and contexts are dictated by:
 *   - Block configuration (in the case of panes which are implementations of a
 *     standard Drupal block).
 *   - Context (where the ctools content_type declares a context as required or
 *     optional, and the panel has provided the context to the pane).
 *   - Pane visibility (where access to panes is controlled by roles or
 *     permissions).
 *   - User-defined overrides in the ESI cacheing configuration.

// Tested against 1.7.2.

// Custom cache mode for authenticated vs anonymous.

 * Implements hook_hook_info().
function esi_panels_hook_info() {

  // Look for hook_esi_panels_context_arguments() in
  $hooks['esi_panels_context_arguments'] = array(
    'group' => 'esi_panels',
  return $hooks;

 * Implements hook_esi_component().
 * @see esi_block_prepare()
 * @see esi_block_render()
function esi_panels_esi_component_info() {
  return array(
    'panels_pane' => array(
      'preprocess' => 'esi_panels__esi_pane_prepare',
      'render' => 'esi_panels__esi_pane_render',
      'flush' => 'esi_panels__esi_pane_flush',
      'file' => '',

 * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
 * @see panelizer_settings_form().
function esi_panels_form_panelizer_settings_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {

  // The 'ESI' panels renderer should automatically replace the 'standard'
  // panels renderer when there are panes on a panel which are handled by ESI.
  // It should not be selectable in its own right.

  // Attempt to discover the original pipeline, in order to assign the radio
  // button to the original value.
  if (isset($form_state['entity'])) {
    $handler =& $form_state['entity']->panelizer['page_manager'];
  elseif (isset($form_state['panelizer'])) {
    $handler =& $form_state['panelizer'];
  else {
    $handler = NULL;
  if (isset($handler->extra['original_pipeline'])) {
    $form['pipeline']['#default_value'] = $handler->extra['original_pipeline'];

 * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
 * @see panels_panel_context_edit_settings().
function esi_panels_form_panels_panel_context_edit_settings_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {

  // The 'ESI' panels renderer should automatically replace the 'standard'
  // panels renderer when there are panes on a panel which are handled by ESI.
  // It should not be selectable in its own right.
  if (isset($form_state['handler']) && isset($form_state['handler']->conf['original_pipeline'])) {
    $candidate = $form_state['handler']->conf['original_pipeline'];
    if (isset($form['conf']['pipeline']['#options'][$candidate])) {
      $form['conf']['pipeline']['#default_value'] = $candidate;

 * Implementation of hook_ctools_plugin_directory().
function esi_panels_ctools_plugin_directory($module, $plugin) {

  // Safety: go away if CTools is not at an appropriate version.
  if (!module_invoke('ctools', 'api_version', ESI_PANELS_REQUIRED_CTOOLS_API)) {

  // We don't support the 'ctools' 'cache' plugin and pretending to causes
  // errors when they're in use.
  if ($module == 'ctools' && $plugin == 'cache') {

    // if we did we'd make a plugin/ctools_cache or something.
  if ($module == 'page_manager' || $module == 'panels' || $module == 'ctools') {
    return 'plugins/' . $plugin;

 * Implements hook_ctools_plugin_type().
 * Register display_renderer plugin types.
function esi_panels_ctools_plugin_type() {
  return array(
    'display_renderers' => array(
      'classes' => array(

 * Implementation of hook_ctools_plugin_api().
 * Inform CTools about version information for various plugins implemented by
 * Panels.
 * @param string $owner
 *   The system name of the module owning the API about which information is
 *   being requested.
 * @param string $api
 *   The name of the API about which information is being requested.
 * @return array
function esi_panels_ctools_plugin_api($owner, $api) {
  if ($owner == 'panels' && $api == 'pipelines') {
    return array(
      'version' => 1,

 * Implements hook_ctools_plugin_post_alter().
function esi_panels_ctools_plugin_post_alter(&$plugin, &$info) {

  // Every time the configuration of a panel is saved, the default hook on the
  // panel-context is invoked.  Replace that hook, in order to check for the
  // presence of ESI panes, and switch the rendering pipeline if necessary.
  if ($plugin['name'] == 'panel_context') {

    // @see panels_panel_context_save().
    $plugin['save'] = 'esi_panels__panel_context_save';

 * Build the URL to use for this ESI component.
 * @return string
 *   The internal URL. Generate a fully-qualified path by running through url().
function esi_panels_url($pane, $display) {

  // ESI 6.x-1.x and 6.x-2.x used the URL patterns:
  // Default:                esi/panels_pane/theme:display_id:pane_id
  // With context:           esi/panels_pane/theme:display_id:pane_id/[base64($_GET['q'])]/task_name/context
  // ESI 7.x-3.x uses the URL prefixes:
  // Default:                esi/panels_pane/theme:display_id:pane_id
  // With context:           esi/panels_pane/theme:display_id:pane_id/task_name
  // All display arguments, and the original page URL (Base64-encoded) are
  // appended to the URL prefix.
  // Examples:
  // - esi/panels_pane/bartik%3A4%3A9/page-page_user_test/1/dXNlci8xL215X3Rlc3Q%3D
  // - esi/panels_pane/bartik%3A3%3A8/user_view/2/dXNlci8y
  // - esi/panels_pane/bartik%3A3%3A8/user_view/1/dXNlci8x
  $url = "esi/panels_pane/";
  global $theme;
  $url .= implode(':', array(
    !empty($pane->did) ? $pane->did : NULL,

  // The did and pid are used to identify which pane content_type to load.
  // Other available data to pass into the URL:
  // - $display->args       Are *always* passed.
  // - $display->context    A pane can only accept a single context.
  // - $display->cache_key  The cache key provides the name of the task/subtask.
  if (!empty($pane->configuration['context'])) {

    // If the context originates from the *TASK* plugin (which is typical), the
    // task name is required in order to generate the task contexts
    // ($base_context in panels_panel_context_render()).
    // Additional contexts may be supplied directly by the display.
    if ($task_name = _esi_panels__get_taskname($display->cache_key)) {
      $url .= "/{$task_name}";

  // Add all the display arguments to the end of the URL.
  if ($display->args) {
    foreach ($display->args as $arg) {
      if (is_string($arg)) {
        $url .= '/' . $arg;

  // Add vid as an argument for panes requiring node revisions,
  // such as workbench_display with Panelizer.
  if ($pane->type == 'workbench_display' && isset($display->context['panelizer'])) {
    $url .= '/' . $display->context['panelizer']->data->vid;

  // Always add the current page URL.
  $url .= '/' . base64_encode($_GET['q']);

  // Set the CACHE mode.
  $cache_mode = isset($pane->cache['settings']['override_context']['esi_overridden_context__user']) ? $pane->cache['settings']['override_context']['esi_overridden_context__user'] : DRUPAL_CACHE_GLOBAL;
  switch ($cache_mode) {
      $cache_string = 'ROLE';
      $cache_string = 'USER';
      $cache_string = 'AUTH';
      $cache_string = 'PAGE';
  $url .= '/CACHE=' . $cache_string;

  // Allow other modules to alter the ESI URL (or respond to it).
  // Pass in $pane and $display objects in an associative array for
  // use as context. Clone objects to ensure they are not edited.
  // @see hook_esi_block_url_alter().
  $context = array(
    'pane' => clone $pane,
    'display' => clone $display,
  drupal_alter('esi_panels_url', $url, $context);
  return $url;

 * Save the configuration of a panel page.
 * @see panels_panel_context_save().
function esi_panels__panel_context_save(&$handler, $update) {

  // Override the rendering pipeline if any pane uses ESI.
  // Only the standard rendering pipeline is supported; alternative/IPE/legacy
  // pipelines cannot be used with ESI.
  // @TODO: inform the user of this on the display, if a non-standard renderer
  // is selected.
  if (isset($handler->conf['display']) && is_a($handler->conf['display'], 'panels_display')) {
    $display = $handler->conf['display'];
  else {

    // Attempt to load the display using the DID.
    $display = panels_load_display($handler->conf['did']);
  if (_esi_panels__display_uses_esi($display)) {
    if ($handler->conf['pipeline'] == 'standard' || $handler->conf['pipeline'] == 'ipe') {
      $handler->conf['original_pipeline'] = $handler->conf['pipeline'];
      $handler->conf['pipeline'] = "esi";
  panels_panel_context_save($handler, $update);

 * Save the configuration of a panelizer panel page.
 * @see panelizer_export_save_callback().
function esi_panels__panelizer_export_save_callback(&$object) {

  // Check if the handler has any panes using ESI as a cache.
  $display = $object->display;
  if (_esi_panels__display_uses_esi($display)) {
    $pipeline = $object->pipeline;
    if ($pipeline == 'standard' || $pipeline == 'ipe') {
      $object->extra['original_pipeline'] = $pipeline;
      $object->pipeline = 'esi';
  return panelizer_export_save_callback($object);

 * Load the arguments which are used to populate the base context of a ctools
 * task plugin.
 * @example
 *   $args = esi_panels__get_base_context_arguments('node_view', array(1));
 *   Returns array(node_load(1));
 * @param string $task
 *   The ctools task.
 * @param string $subtask
 *   The subtask of the ctools task (if applicable).
 * @param Array $args
 *   Arguments to pass to the argument constructor (if applicable).
 * @return array
 *   Array of arguments to pass to the ctools context constructor.
function esi_panels__get_base_context_arguments($task, $subtask = '', $args = array()) {

  // A core bug is preventing module_invoke_all() from lazy-loading according
  // to the hook_hook_info() definitions.
  foreach (module_list(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE) as $module) {
    module_load_include('inc', $module, $module . '.esi_panels');
  return module_invoke_all('esi_panels_context_arguments', $task, $subtask, $args);

 * Check if any panes are configured to use ESI.
 * @param object|panels_display $display
 *   A panels_display object.
 * @return bool
function _esi_panels__display_uses_esi(panels_display $display) {

  // Iterate each pane.
  foreach ($display->content as $pid => $pane) {

    // Any single pane implementing ESI is enough to return TRUE.
    if (!empty($pane->cache) && $pane->cache['method'] == 'esi') {
      return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

 * Reverse the $display->cache_key encoding to get the task name.
 * @param string $cache_key
 *   The cache key used on a display.
 * @return string
 *   The task name of the task handler.
function _esi_panels__get_taskname($cache_key) {

  // $display->cache_key = 'panel_context:' . $task_name . ':' . $handler->name;
  // $display->cache_key = 'panelizer:' . $entity_type . ':' . $entity_id . ':' . $view_mode . ':' . $pane_id;
  if (preg_match('/^(panel_context|panelizer):([^:]+):.*$/', $cache_key, $matches)) {

    // Define task names for Panelizer panes.
    if ($matches[1] == 'panelizer') {
      switch ($matches[2]) {
        case 'node':
          return 'node_view';
        case 'taxonomy_term':
          return 'term_view';
        case 'user':
          return 'user_view';
        case 'comment':
          return 'comment_view';
          return $matches[2];
    else {
      return $matches[2];
  else {
    return FALSE;

 * Reverse the $display->cache_key encoding to get the task name (and sub-task
 * if used).
 * @param string $task_name
 *   The task key, as used by a display cache_key.
 * @return array
 *   - 0 => Name of the task.
 *   - 1 => Name of the subtask (or '' if not set).
function _esi_panels__get_task_identifier($task_name) {
  if (strpos($task_name, '-')) {
    list($task, $subtask) = explode('-', $task_name, 2);
    return array(
  else {
    return array(

 * Implements hook_boot().
function esi_panels_boot() {

  // Do nothing here.
  // Implementing this is needed to react to the ESI module's
  // drupal_alter hook, that is itself in a hook_boot.

 * Implements hook_esi_context_alter().
function esi_panels_esi_context_alter(&$contexts) {

  // Generate a pseudo-random value if none is configured.
  if (!variable_get('esi_panels_auth_cache_hash', NULL)) {
    variable_set('esi_panels_auth_cache_hash', md5('epach' . rand(0, 1000) . microtime()));

  // Only called if logged in, so safe to assume user is authenticated.
  $contexts['AUTH'] = variable_get('esi_panels_auth_cache_hash', 1);


Namesort descending Description
esi_panels_boot Implements hook_boot().
esi_panels_ctools_plugin_api Implementation of hook_ctools_plugin_api().
esi_panels_ctools_plugin_directory Implementation of hook_ctools_plugin_directory().
esi_panels_ctools_plugin_post_alter Implements hook_ctools_plugin_post_alter().
esi_panels_ctools_plugin_type Implements hook_ctools_plugin_type().
esi_panels_esi_component_info Implements hook_esi_component().
esi_panels_esi_context_alter Implements hook_esi_context_alter().
esi_panels_form_panelizer_settings_form_alter Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
esi_panels_form_panels_panel_context_edit_settings_alter Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
esi_panels_hook_info Implements hook_hook_info().
esi_panels_url Build the URL to use for this ESI component.
esi_panels__get_base_context_arguments Load the arguments which are used to populate the base context of a ctools task plugin.
esi_panels__panelizer_export_save_callback Save the configuration of a panelizer panel page.
esi_panels__panel_context_save Save the configuration of a panel page.
_esi_panels__display_uses_esi Check if any panes are configured to use ESI.
_esi_panels__get_taskname Reverse the $display->cache_key encoding to get the task name.
_esi_panels__get_task_identifier Reverse the $display->cache_key encoding to get the task name (and sub-task if used).
