class EntityQueueUIController in Entityqueue 8
Returns responses for Entityqueue UI routes.
- class \Drupal\Core\Controller\ControllerBase implements ContainerInjectionInterface uses LoggerChannelTrait, MessengerTrait, LinkGeneratorTrait, RedirectDestinationTrait, UrlGeneratorTrait, StringTranslationTrait
- class \Drupal\entityqueue\Controller\EntityQueueUIController uses AjaxHelperTrait
Expanded class hierarchy of EntityQueueUIController
- src/
Controller/ EntityQueueUIController.php, line 23
Drupal\entityqueue\ControllerView source
class EntityQueueUIController extends ControllerBase {
use AjaxHelperTrait;
* The Entityqueue repository service.
* @var EntityQueueRepositoryInterface
protected $entityQueueRepository;
* Constructs a EntityQueueUIController object
* @param EntityQueueRepositoryInterface $entityqueue_respository
* The Entityqueue repository service.
public function __construct(EntityQueueRepositoryInterface $entityqueue_respository) {
$this->entityQueueRepository = $entityqueue_respository;
* {@inheritdoc}
public static function create(ContainerInterface $container) {
return new static($container
* Provides a list of all the subqueues of an entity queue.
* @param \Drupal\entityqueue\EntityQueueInterface $entity_queue
* The entity queue.
* @return array
* A render array.
public function subqueueList(EntityQueueInterface $entity_queue) {
$list_builder = $this
return $list_builder
* Provides a list of subqueues where an entity can be added.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteMatchInterface $route_match
* The route match.
* @param string $entity_type_id
* (optional) The entity type ID.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity
* (optional) An entity object.
* @return array
* Array of page elements to render.
public function subqueueListForEntity(RouteMatchInterface $route_match, $entity_type_id = NULL, EntityInterface $entity = NULL) {
if (!$entity) {
$entity = $route_match
$queues = $this->entityQueueRepository
$subqueues = $this
'queue' => array_keys($queues),
$list_builder = $this
$build['#title'] = $this
->t('Entityqueues for %title', [
'%title' => $entity
$build['#type'] = 'container';
$build['#attributes']['id'] = 'entity-subqueue-list';
$build['#attached']['library'][] = 'core/drupal.ajax';
$build['table'] = [
'#type' => 'table',
'#header' => $list_builder
'#rows' => [],
'#cache' => [],
'#empty' => $this
->t('There are no queues available.'),
/** @var \Drupal\entityqueue\EntitySubqueueInterface $subqueue */
foreach ($subqueues as $subqueue_id => $subqueue) {
$row = $list_builder
// Check if entity is in queue.
$subqueue_items = $subqueue
if (in_array($entity
->id(), array_column($subqueue_items, 'target_id'), TRUE)) {
$row['operations']['data']['#links'] = [
'remove-item' => [
'title' => $this
->t('Remove from queue'),
'url' => Url::fromRoute('entity.entity_subqueue.remove_item', [
'entity_queue' => $queues[$subqueue
'entity_subqueue' => $subqueue_id,
'entity' => $entity
'attributes' => [
'class' => [
else {
$row['operations']['data']['#links'] = [
'add-item' => [
'title' => $this
->t('Add to queue'),
'url' => Url::fromRoute('entity.entity_subqueue.add_item', [
'entity_queue' => $queues[$subqueue
'entity_subqueue' => $subqueue_id,
'entity' => $entity
'attributes' => [
'class' => [
// Add an operation for editing the subqueue items.
// First, compute the destination to send the user back to the
// entityqueue tab they're currently on. We can't rely on <current>
// since if any of the AJAX links are used and the page is rebuilt,
// <current> will point to the most recent AJAX callback, not the
// original entityqueue tab.
$destination = Url::fromRoute("entity.{$entity_type_id}.entityqueue", [
$entity_type_id => $entity
$row['operations']['data']['#links']['edit-subqueue-items'] = [
'title' => $this
->t('Edit subqueue items'),
'url' => $subqueue
->toUrl('edit-form', [
'query' => [
'destination' => $destination,
->id()] = $row;
return $build;
* Returns a form to add a new subqeue.
* @param \Drupal\entityqueue\EntityQueueInterface $entity_queue
* The queue this subqueue will be added to.
* @return array
* The entity subqueue add form.
public function addForm(EntityQueueInterface $entity_queue) {
$subqueue = $this
'queue' => $entity_queue
return $this
* Calls a method on an entity queue and reloads the listing page.
* @param \Drupal\entityqueue\EntityQueueInterface $entity_queue
* The view being acted upon.
* @param string $op
* The operation to perform, e.g., 'enable' or 'disable'.
* @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request
* The current request.
* @return \Drupal\Core\Ajax\AjaxResponse|\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse
* Either returns a rebuilt listing page as an AJAX response, or redirects
* back to the listing page.
public function ajaxOperation(EntityQueueInterface $entity_queue, $op, Request $request) {
// Perform the operation.
// If the request is via AJAX, return the rendered list as JSON.
if ($request->request
->get('js')) {
$list = $this
$response = new AjaxResponse();
->addCommand(new ReplaceCommand('#entity-queue-list', $list));
return $response;
// Otherwise, redirect back to the page.
return $this
* Calls a method on an entity subqueue page and reloads the page.
* @param \Drupal\entityqueue\EntitySubqueueInterface $entity_subqueue
* The subqueue being acted upon.
* @param string $op
* The operation to perform, e.g., 'addItem' or 'removeItem'.
* @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request
* The current request.
* @return \Drupal\Core\Ajax\AjaxResponse|\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse
* Either returns a rebuilt listing page as an AJAX response, or redirects
* back to the current page.
public function subqueueAjaxOperation(EntitySubqueueInterface $entity_subqueue, $op, Request $request) {
$entity_id = $request
$entity = $this
// Perform the operation.
// Run validation.
$violations = $entity_subqueue
// Save subqueue.
if (count($violations) === 0) {
// If the request is via AJAX, return the rendered list as JSON.
if ($this
->isAjax()) {
$route_match = RouteMatch::createFromRequest($request);
$content = $this
->subqueueListForEntity($route_match, $entity
->getEntityTypeId(), $entity);
// Also display the validation errors if there are any.
if (count($violations)) {
$content['errors'] = [
'#theme' => 'status_messages',
'#message_list' => [
'error' => [
->t('The operation could not be performed for the following reasons:'),
'#status_headings' => [
'error' => $this
->t('Error message'),
'#weight' => -10,
foreach ($violations as $violation) {
$content['errors']['#message_list']['error'][] = $violation
$response = new AjaxResponse();
->addCommand(new ReplaceCommand('#entity-subqueue-list', $content));
return $response;
// Otherwise, redirect back to the page.
return $this
* Checks access for a specific request.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteMatchInterface $route_match
* The route match.
* @param string $entity_type_id
* (optional) The entity type ID.
* @return \Drupal\Core\Access\AccessResultInterface
* The access result.
public function access(RouteMatchInterface $route_match, $entity_type_id = NULL) {
/** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity */
$entity = $route_match
if ($entity && $this->entityQueueRepository
->getAvailableQueuesForEntity($entity)) {
return AccessResult::allowed();
return AccessResult::forbidden();
Name![]() |
Modifiers | Type | Description | Overrides |
AjaxHelperTrait:: |
protected | function | Gets the wrapper format of the current request. | |
AjaxHelperTrait:: |
protected | function | Determines if the current request is via AJAX. | |
ControllerBase:: |
protected | property | The configuration factory. | |
ControllerBase:: |
protected | property | The current user service. | 1 |
ControllerBase:: |
protected | property | The entity form builder. | |
ControllerBase:: |
protected | property | The entity manager. | |
ControllerBase:: |
protected | property | The entity type manager. | |
ControllerBase:: |
protected | property | The form builder. | 2 |
ControllerBase:: |
protected | property | The key-value storage. | 1 |
ControllerBase:: |
protected | property | The language manager. | 1 |
ControllerBase:: |
protected | property | The module handler. | 2 |
ControllerBase:: |
protected | property | The state service. | |
ControllerBase:: |
protected | function | Returns the requested cache bin. | |
ControllerBase:: |
protected | function | Retrieves a configuration object. | |
ControllerBase:: |
private | function | Returns the service container. | |
ControllerBase:: |
protected | function | Returns the current user. | 1 |
ControllerBase:: |
protected | function | Retrieves the entity form builder. | |
ControllerBase:: |
protected | function | Retrieves the entity manager service. | |
ControllerBase:: |
protected | function | Retrieves the entity type manager. | |
ControllerBase:: |
protected | function | Returns the form builder service. | 2 |
ControllerBase:: |
protected | function | Returns a key/value storage collection. | 1 |
ControllerBase:: |
protected | function | Returns the language manager service. | 1 |
ControllerBase:: |
protected | function | Returns the module handler. | 2 |
ControllerBase:: |
protected | function |
Returns a redirect response object for the specified route. Overrides UrlGeneratorTrait:: |
ControllerBase:: |
protected | function | Returns the state storage service. | |
EntityQueueUIController:: |
protected | property | The Entityqueue repository service. | |
EntityQueueUIController:: |
public | function | Checks access for a specific request. | |
EntityQueueUIController:: |
public | function | Returns a form to add a new subqeue. | |
EntityQueueUIController:: |
public | function | Calls a method on an entity queue and reloads the listing page. | |
EntityQueueUIController:: |
public static | function |
Instantiates a new instance of this class. Overrides ControllerBase:: |
EntityQueueUIController:: |
public | function | Calls a method on an entity subqueue page and reloads the page. | |
EntityQueueUIController:: |
public | function | Provides a list of all the subqueues of an entity queue. | |
EntityQueueUIController:: |
public | function | Provides a list of subqueues where an entity can be added. | |
EntityQueueUIController:: |
public | function | Constructs a EntityQueueUIController object | |
LinkGeneratorTrait:: |
protected | property | The link generator. | 1 |
LinkGeneratorTrait:: |
protected | function | Returns the link generator. | |
LinkGeneratorTrait:: |
protected | function | Renders a link to a route given a route name and its parameters. | |
LinkGeneratorTrait:: |
public | function | Sets the link generator service. | |
LoggerChannelTrait:: |
protected | property | The logger channel factory service. | |
LoggerChannelTrait:: |
protected | function | Gets the logger for a specific channel. | |
LoggerChannelTrait:: |
public | function | Injects the logger channel factory. | |
MessengerTrait:: |
protected | property | The messenger. | 29 |
MessengerTrait:: |
public | function | Gets the messenger. | 29 |
MessengerTrait:: |
public | function | Sets the messenger. | |
RedirectDestinationTrait:: |
protected | property | The redirect destination service. | 1 |
RedirectDestinationTrait:: |
protected | function | Prepares a 'destination' URL query parameter for use with \Drupal\Core\Url. | |
RedirectDestinationTrait:: |
protected | function | Returns the redirect destination service. | |
RedirectDestinationTrait:: |
public | function | Sets the redirect destination service. | |
StringTranslationTrait:: |
protected | property | The string translation service. | 1 |
StringTranslationTrait:: |
protected | function | Formats a string containing a count of items. | |
StringTranslationTrait:: |
protected | function | Returns the number of plurals supported by a given language. | |
StringTranslationTrait:: |
protected | function | Gets the string translation service. | |
StringTranslationTrait:: |
public | function | Sets the string translation service to use. | 2 |
StringTranslationTrait:: |
protected | function | Translates a string to the current language or to a given language. | |
UrlGeneratorTrait:: |
protected | property | The url generator. | |
UrlGeneratorTrait:: |
protected | function | Returns the URL generator service. | |
UrlGeneratorTrait:: |
public | function | Sets the URL generator service. | |
UrlGeneratorTrait:: |
protected | function | Generates a URL or path for a specific route based on the given parameters. |