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function EntityTranslationCommentTestCase::testCommentLanguageFiltering in Entity Translation 7

Test comment filtering by language.


tests/entity_translation.test, line 453
Tests for Entity translation module.


Basic tests for comment related things.


function testCommentLanguageFiltering() {
  $node = $this
    ->randomName(), $this
    ->randomName(), 'en');

  // Create comments in different languages.
  $comment_en = $this
    ->postComment($node, $comment_en, 'en');
  $comment_es = $this
    ->postComment($node, $comment_es, 'es');

  // Check that ALL comments are being displayed when comment language filter
  // is disabled (default behavior).
    ->get('en', 'node/' . $node->nid);
    ->assertText($comment_en, 'English comment found.');
    ->assertText($comment_es, 'Spanish comment found.');

  // Enable comment filtering by language.

  // Load page in different languages. Check that only comments matching
  // current language are being displayed.
    ->get('en', 'node/' . $node->nid);
    ->assertText($comment_en, 'English comment found.');
    ->assertNoText($comment_es, 'Spanish comment not found.');
    ->get('es', 'node/' . $node->nid);
    ->assertNoText($comment_en, 'English comment not found.');
    ->assertText($comment_es, 'Spanish comment found.');