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function entity_test_load_multiple in Entity API 7

Load multiple test entities based on certain conditions.


$pids: An array of entity IDs.

$conditions: An array of conditions to match against the {entity} table.

$reset: A boolean indicating that the internal cache should be reset.

Return value

array An array of test entity objects, indexed by pid.

2 calls to entity_test_load_multiple()
EntityAPITestCase::testCRUD in ./entity.test
Tests CRUD.
EntityAPITestCase::testCRUDAPIfunctions in ./entity.test
Tests CRUD API functions: entity_(create|delete|save)


tests/entity_test.module, line 115
Test module for the entity API.


function entity_test_load_multiple($pids = array(), $conditions = array(), $reset = FALSE) {
  return entity_load('entity_test', $pids, $conditions, $reset);