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function entity_test_entity_getter in Entity API 7

Getter callback for the 'reference' property.

1 string reference to 'entity_test_entity_getter'
entity_test_entity_property_info_alter in tests/entity_test.module
Implements hook_entity_property_info_alter() for testing an property of type 'entity'.


tests/entity_test.module, line 262
Test module for the entity API.


function entity_test_entity_getter($node) {
  if (empty($node->entity)) {
    $node->entity = array(
      'type' => 'user',
      'id' => $node->uid,

  // We have to return the entity wrapped.
  // Special handling for anonymous user.
  if ($node->entity['type'] === 'user' && empty($node->entity['id'])) {
    return entity_metadata_wrapper('user', drupal_anonymous_user());
  else {
    return entity_metadata_wrapper($node->entity['type'], $node->entity['id']);