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8 calls to EntityDrupalWrapper::value() in Entity API 7

EntityDrupalWrapper::delete in includes/
Permanently delete the wrapped entity.
EntityDrupalWrapper::entityAccess in includes/
Checks whether the operation $op is allowed on the entity.
EntityDrupalWrapper::getIdentifier in includes/
Returns the identifier of the wrapped entity.
EntityDrupalWrapper::label in includes/
Returns the entity label.
EntityDrupalWrapper::spotBundleInfo in includes/
Tries to determine the bundle and adds in the according property info.
EntityDrupalWrapper::spotInfo in includes/
Used to lazy-load bundle info. So the wrapper can be loaded e.g. just for setting without the data being loaded.
EntityDrupalWrapper::type in includes/
EntityDrupalWrapper::view in includes/
Returns the entity prepared for rendering.