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public function EntityDrupalWrapper::value in Entity API 7



$options: An array of options. Known keys:

  • identifier: If set to TRUE, the entity identifier is returned.

Overrides EntityMetadataWrapper::value

8 calls to EntityDrupalWrapper::value()
EntityDrupalWrapper::delete in includes/
Permanently delete the wrapped entity.
EntityDrupalWrapper::entityAccess in includes/
Checks whether the operation $op is allowed on the entity.
EntityDrupalWrapper::getIdentifier in includes/
Returns the identifier of the wrapped entity.
EntityDrupalWrapper::label in includes/
Returns the entity label.
EntityDrupalWrapper::spotBundleInfo in includes/
Tries to determine the bundle and adds in the according property info.

... See full list


includes/, line 731
Provides wrappers allowing easy usage of the entity metadata.


Provides a wrapper for entities registrered in hook_entity_info().


public function value(array $options = array()) {

  // Try loading the data via the getter callback if there is none yet.
  if (!isset($this->data)) {
  if (!empty($options['identifier'])) {
    return $this->id;
  elseif (!$this->data && !empty($this->id)) {

    // Lazy load the entity if necessary.
    $return = entity_load($this->type, array(

    // In case the entity cannot be loaded, we return NULL just as for empty
    // properties.
    $this->data = $return ? reset($return) : NULL;
  return $this->data;