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protected function EntityMetadataWrapper::dataAvailable in Entity API 7

Returns whether data is available to work with.

Return value

bool If we operate without any data FALSE, else TRUE.

16 calls to EntityMetadataWrapper::dataAvailable()
EntityDrupalWrapper::delete in includes/
Permanently delete the wrapped entity.
EntityDrupalWrapper::entityAccess in includes/
Checks whether the operation $op is allowed on the entity.
EntityDrupalWrapper::getBundle in includes/
Returns the bundle of an entity, or FALSE if it has no bundles.
EntityDrupalWrapper::getIdentifier in includes/
Returns the identifier of the wrapped entity.
EntityDrupalWrapper::spotBundleInfo in includes/
Tries to determine the bundle and adds in the according property info.

... See full list


includes/, line 113
Provides wrappers allowing easy usage of the entity metadata.


A common base class for all wrappers.


protected function dataAvailable() {
  return isset($this->data) || isset($this->info['parent']) && $this->info['parent']