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function theme_entity_ui_overview_item in Entity API 7

Returns HTML for an entity on the entity overview listing.

1 theme call to theme_entity_ui_overview_item()
EntityDefaultUIController::overviewTableRow in includes/
Generates the row for the passed entity and may be overridden in order to customize the rows.


includes/, line 763
Provides a controller for building an entity overview form.


function theme_entity_ui_overview_item($variables) {
  $output = $variables['url'] ? l($variables['label'], $variables['url']['path'], $variables['url']['options']) : check_plain($variables['label']);
  if ($variables['name']) {
    $output .= ' <small>(' . t('Machine name') . ': ' . check_plain($variables['name']) . ')</small>';
  return $output;