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function entity_token_tokens in Entity API 7

Implements hook_tokens().


./, line 168
Provides tokens for entity properties which have no token yet.


function entity_token_tokens($type, $tokens, array $data = array(), array $options = array()) {
  $token_types = entity_token_types_chained();
  $replacements = array();
  if (isset($token_types[$type]) && (!empty($data[$type]) || $type == 'site')) {
    $data += array(
      $type => FALSE,

    // Make use of token module's token cache if available.
    $info = module_exists('token') ? token_get_info() : token_info();
    foreach ($tokens as $name => $original) {

      // Provide the token for all properties marked to stem from us.
      if (!empty($info['tokens'][$type][$name]['entity-token']) || $type == 'struct') {
        $wrapper = !isset($wrapper) ? _entity_token_wrap_data($type, $token_types[$type], $data[$type], $options) : $wrapper;
        $property_name = str_replace('-', '_', $name);
        try {
          if (isset($wrapper->{$property_name})) {
            $replacement = _entity_token_get_token($wrapper->{$property_name}, $options);
            if (isset($replacement)) {
              $replacements[$original] = $replacement;
        } catch (EntityMetadataWrapperException $e) {

          // If tokens for not existing values are requested, just do nothing.

    // Properly chain everything of a type marked as needs chaining.
    $info['tokens'] += array(
      $type => array(),
    foreach ($info['tokens'][$type] as $name => $token_info) {
      if (!empty($token_info['entity-token']) && isset($token_info['type']) && entity_token_types_chained($token_info['type'])) {
        if ($chained_tokens = token_find_with_prefix($tokens, $name)) {
          $wrapper = !isset($wrapper) ? _entity_token_wrap_data($type, $token_types[$type], $data[$type], $options) : $wrapper;
          $property_name = str_replace('-', '_', $name);
          try {

            // Pass on 'struct' properties wrapped, else un-wrap the data.
            $value = $token_info['type'] == 'struct' ? $wrapper->{$property_name} : $wrapper->{$property_name}
            $replacements += token_generate($token_info['type'], $chained_tokens, array(
              $token_info['type'] => $value,
            ), $options);
          } catch (EntityMetadataWrapperException $e) {

            // If tokens for not existing values are requested, just do nothing.
  elseif ($item_token_type = entity_property_list_extract_type($type)) {
    foreach ($tokens as $name => $original) {

      // Care about getting entries of a list.
      if (is_numeric($name)) {
        $wrapper = !isset($wrapper) ? _entity_token_wrap_data($type, "list<{$token_types[$item_token_type]}>", $data[$type], $options) : $wrapper;
        try {
          $replacement = _entity_token_get_token($wrapper
            ->get($name), $options);
          if (isset($replacement)) {
            $replacements[$original] = $replacement;
        } catch (EntityMetadataWrapperException $e) {

          // If tokens for not existing values are requested, just do nothing.
      else {
        $parts = explode(':', $name, 2);
        $delta = $parts[0];
        if (is_numeric($delta) && ($chained_tokens = token_find_with_prefix($tokens, $delta))) {
          $wrapper = !isset($wrapper) ? _entity_token_wrap_data($type, "list<{$token_types[$item_token_type]}>", $data[$type], $options) : $wrapper;
          try {
            $replacements += token_generate($item_token_type, $chained_tokens, array(
              $item_token_type => $wrapper
            ), $options);
          } catch (EntityMetadataWrapperException $e) {

            // If tokens for not existing values are requested, just do nothing.

  // Add support for chaining struct data. As struct data has no registered
  // tokens, we have to chain based upon wrapper property info.
  if ($type == 'struct') {
    $wrapper = $data[$type];
    foreach ($wrapper as $name => $property) {
      $token_type = _entity_token_map_to_token_type($property
      if (entity_token_types_chained($token_type) && ($chained_tokens = token_find_with_prefix($tokens, $name))) {
        try {

          // Pass on 'struct' properties wrapped, else un-wrap the data.
          $value = $token_type == 'struct' ? $property : $property
          $replacements += token_generate($token_type, $chained_tokens, array(
            $token_type => $value,
          ), $options);
        } catch (EntityMetadataWrapperException $e) {

          // If tokens for not existing values are requested, just do nothing.
  return $replacements;