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function hook_entity_views_field_handlers_alter in Entity API 7

Alter the handlers used by the data selection tables provided by this module.


array $field_handlers: An array of the field handler classes to use for specific types. The keys are the types, mapped to their respective classes. Contained types are:

  • All primitive types known by the entity API (see hook_entity_property_info()).
  • options: Special type for fields having an options list.
  • field: Special type for Field API fields.
  • entity: Special type for entity-valued fields.
  • relationship: Views relationship handler to use for relationships.

Values for all specific entity types can be additionally added.

See also




./entity.api.php, line 460
Hooks provided by the entity API.


function hook_entity_views_field_handlers_alter(array &$field_handlers) {
  $field_handlers['duration'] = 'example_duration_handler';
  $field_handlers['node'] = 'example_node_handler';