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function _encrypt_encryption_methods_openssl in Encrypt 7.2

Callback for Encrypt implementation: OpenSSL.

This method uses PHP's OpenSSL extension. Base64 encoding is used by default, unless disabled by setting 'base64' to FALSE in $options.

1 string reference to '_encrypt_encryption_methods_openssl'
encrypt_openssl_encrypt_encryption_methods in plugins/encryption_methods/
Implements hook_encrypt_encryption_methods().


plugins/encryption_methods/, line 28


function _encrypt_encryption_methods_openssl($op, $text, $key, $options = array(), $method_settings = array()) {
  $disable_base64 = array_key_exists('base64', $options) && $options['base64'] == FALSE;
  $method = 'AES-128-CBC';
  $iv_size = openssl_cipher_iv_length($method);
  $hash_function = 'sha256';
  $allowed_key_sizes = array(
  $key_size = strlen($key);
  $salt_size = 32;
  $hmac_size = 32;

  // If the key is not the right size, report an error.
  if (empty($key) || !in_array($key_size, $allowed_key_sizes)) {
    $t_args = array(
      '@action' => $op == 'decrypt' ? t('Decryption') : t('Encryption'),
    drupal_set_message(t('@action failed because the key is not the right size.', $t_args), 'error');
    watchdog('encrypt', '@action failed because the key is not the right size.', $t_args, WATCHDOG_CRITICAL);
    throw new Exception(t('@action failed because the key is not the right size.', $t_args));

  // Check op.
  if ($op == 'decrypt') {

    // Base64 decode unless disabled.
    if (!$disable_base64) {
      $text = base64_decode($text);

    // Extract the HMAC.
    $hmac = substr($text, 0, $hmac_size);
    $text = substr($text, $hmac_size);

    // Extract the salt, using half for encryption and
    // half for authentication.
    $salt = substr($text, 0, $salt_size);
    $esalt = substr($salt, 0, strlen($salt) / 2);
    $asalt = substr($salt, strlen($salt) / 2);

    // Generate the authentication subkey.
    $akey = _encrypt_encryption_methods_openssl_hkdf($hash_function, $key, $key_size, $asalt);

    // Calculate the HMAC.
    $calculated_hmac = _encrypt_encryption_methods_openssl_hkdf($hash_function, $text, $hmac_size, $akey);

    // If the HMAC cannot be validated, throw an exception.
    if ($calculated_hmac != $hmac) {
      drupal_set_message(t('Decryption failed because the HMAC could not be validated.'), 'error');
      watchdog('encrypt', 'Decryption failed because the HMAC could not be validated.', array(), WATCHDOG_CRITICAL);
      throw new Exception(t('Decryption failed because the HMAC could not be validated.'));
    $text = substr($text, $salt_size);

    // Get the IV and remove it from the encrypted data.
    $iv = substr($text, 0, $iv_size);
    $text = substr($text, $iv_size);

    // Generate the encryption subkey.
    $ekey = _encrypt_encryption_methods_openssl_hkdf($hash_function, $key, $key_size, $esalt);

    // Decrypt the data.
    $processed_text = openssl_decrypt($text, $method, $ekey, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $iv);
  else {

    // Create a random IV.
    $iv = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($iv_size);

    // Generate a random 32-byte salt, using half for encryption and
    // half for authentication.
    $salt = drupal_random_bytes($salt_size);
    $esalt = substr($salt, 0, strlen($salt) / 2);
    $asalt = substr($salt, strlen($salt) / 2);

    // Generate a subkey for encryption.
    $ekey = _encrypt_encryption_methods_openssl_hkdf($hash_function, $key, $key_size, $esalt);

    // Encrypt the text.
    $processed_text = openssl_encrypt($text, $method, $ekey, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $iv);

    // Prepend the encrypted data with the salt and IV.
    $processed_text = $salt . $iv . $processed_text;

    // Generate a subkey to use as a salt for the HMAC.
    $akey = _encrypt_encryption_methods_openssl_hkdf($hash_function, $key, $key_size, $asalt);

    // Calculate the HMAC and prepend it to the processed data.
    $hmac = _encrypt_encryption_methods_openssl_hkdf($hash_function, $processed_text, $hmac_size, $akey);
    $processed_text = $hmac . $processed_text;

    // Base64 encode unless disabled.
    if (!$disable_base64) {
      $processed_text = base64_encode($processed_text);
  return $processed_text;