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function encrypt in Encrypt 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 encrypt.module \encrypt()
  2. 7.3 encrypt.module \encrypt()
  3. 7 encrypt.module \encrypt()

Encrypt text.


string $text: Text to encrypt.

array $options: Array of options for encryption.

mixed $method: String name of method to use. Uses setting default if NULL.

mixed $key_provider: String name of provider to use. Uses setting default if NULL.

mixed $config: A configuration to use. Uses the default configuration if NULL.

Return value

string A serialized array containing the encrypted text and encryption method.

6 calls to encrypt()
EncryptConfigTest::testConfigEncrypt in ./encrypt.test
Test an encryption with just a configuration.
EncryptEncryptDecryptTest::testMcryptEncryptDecrypt in ./encrypt.test
Test encryption and decryption with the "Mcrypt AES (CBC Mode)" method.
EncryptEncryptDecryptTest::testNoneEncryptDecrypt in ./encrypt.test
Test encryption and decryption with the "None" method.
EncryptPortability::testDecryptingRandomValue in ./encrypt.test
Test off-the-cuff decrypting of a value using decrypt().
EncryptPortability::testDecryptWithoutKeyProvider in ./encrypt.test
Test decrypting when only an encryption method is provided.

... See full list

24 string references to 'encrypt'
decrypt in ./encrypt.module
Decrypt text.
EncryptConfigTest::setUp in ./encrypt.test
Enable encrypt module; create and log in privileged user.
EncryptEncryptDecryptTest::setUp in ./encrypt.test
Enable encrypt module.
EncryptEncryptionMethodPluginsTest::setUp in ./encrypt.test
Enable encrypt module.
EncryptPortability::setUp in ./encrypt.test
Enable encrypt module.

... See full list


./encrypt.module, line 589
Main Encrypt Drupal File.


function encrypt($text = '', array $options = array(), $method = NULL, $key_provider = NULL, $config = NULL) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'encrypt', 'includes/encrypt.encrypt');
  return _encrypt_decrypt('encrypt', $text, $options, $method, $key_provider, $config);